High Winds And Strong Waves Pose Lakeshore Flooding And Erosion Risk Sunday

High winds and strong waves are expected along the Lake Erie shoreline Sunday and there is a risk of flooding, wave uprush and shoreline erosion in lakeshore areas. Flood and High Lake Level watches are in effect for the entire Lake Erie shoreline and areas downstream of the Dunnville Dam.

75 km/h south winds are forecasted for Sunday evening with gusts over 100 km/h. These winds will result in significant waves and storm surge.

The peak above critical lake levels is forecast to occur Sunday evening, though uncertainty remains in the height of the Lake Erie surge based on current forecast models. Given the uncertainty that remains in this forecast, the public is advised to familiarize themselves with Lake Erie Flood Zone Property Lookup tool available on Haldimand County’s website.

Haldimand County Emergency Services is advising the public to stay away from shoreline areas experiencing strong wave action and elevated water levels. Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from these areas.

High winds can toss loose objects and turn them into dangerous projectiles. For this reason, residents along the lake are encouraged to shut storm shutters and tie down or secure outdoor items.

Haldimand County Emergency Services will be actively monitoring conditions throughout Sunday. Residents should pay close attention to changing weather conditions and watch for updated flood messages. A flood guide for lakeshore property owners and other emergency preparedness resources can be found at HaldimandCounty.ca/floods.

Further updates on this weather event will be shared as the forecast evolves.

Haldimand County is under the jurisdiction of three conservation authorities. Weather advisories and impacts may vary based on a given location’s position on the shoreline. You can look up a property or specific location and obtain information about flood impacts using the Lake Erie Flood Zone Lookup tool.

Current advisories and flood messages are available on conservation authority websites:

Grand River Conservation Authority
Long Point Region Conservation Authority
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority