Haldimand County Now Accepting Applications For Seasonal Sidewalk & On-Street Patio Program

Haldimand County is proud to announce the return of its Seasonal Sidewalk and On-Street Patio Program. Applications are now being accepted for patios on both public and private property. Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions Haldimand County has extended the patio season for both public and private patios from March 15, 2021 until January 1st 2022 to allow for more outdoor dining as weather permits.

Extending the patio season has a direct benefit for restaurants, cafes, breweries and other food establishments as it will allow establishments to host additional patrons while maintaining social distancing requirements. Food and drink establishments have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020 with restrictions significantly reducing seating capacity in these establishments. Extending the 2021 patio season will support businesses in allowing them to serve additional customers outside of what may be acceptable indoors throughout 2021.

“The effects of COVID-19 have impacted businesses significantly, especially in the restaurant and service sector,” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division. “Haldimand County continues to support businesses by removing as many barriers as we can at this time. Simultaneously, our hope is to come up with more creative solutions that encourage residents to support local businesses”.

In addition to the Seasonal Sidewalk and On-Street Patio program on public property, Haldimand County will also be extending the temporary private patio program that was established in 2020 to support the restaurant sector through COVID-19 restrictions. This program permits establishments to open a temporary seasonal patio on private property without proceeding through the planning approval process.

Businesses wishing to apply for a Seasonal Sidewalk and On-Street Patio permit must complete an application. More information and the application form can be downloaded at  BusinessHaldimand.ca/business/seasonalpatioprogram. Business owners are also encouraged to contact Economic Development and Tourism Division (EDT) staff to review their patio concept and application prior to submission. The EDT team can be reached at 905-318-5932 or opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca.


Haldimand County logo. A yellow sun rising or setting atop green and blue waves. Haldimand County in black lettering below.

Haldimand Tourism Businesses Given Opportunity To Hone Filmmaking Skills

Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division is hosting a virtual videography workshop series for local tourism businesses.

From Intuition to Execution: Telling your Business Story in Video is funded by the Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation and through the support of Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). This workshop series will develop tourism operators skills to plan, capture and edit great video stories that they shoot on their smart phone. At the end of the series participants will walk away with a final video ready to be used to promote their tourism business, when safe to do so.

The workshop series is being offered FREE to qualifying businesses and will consist of three group webinars, the first taking place February 17, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., as well as one-on-one virtual instruction by workshop leader Graeme Bachiu, an award winning local filmmaker from Windecker Road Films.

“Having great video content can help businesses attract new visitors and increase their organic reach on social media,” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism.  “Great video content will enhance business exposure but also assists in promoting Haldimand County as a tourist destination in the future.”

Capacity is limited, and the program is reserved for tourism businesses physically located in Haldimand County. Register by visiting BusinessHaldimand.ca.

Haldimand County Reshaping Local Retail With Launch Of Real Haldimand Virtual Marketplace

Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division is launching a virtual marketplace to support local businesses. The Real Haldimand Marketplace will allow members of the public to discover new businesses/products and shop local from the comfort of home.

The new virtual marketplace aims to help local businesses expand their customer base and boost the local economy. “We want to encourage customers to show their love for local! Through the fully-virtual marketplace, our goal is to improve visibility of local businesses and drive customers to purchase,” said Lidy Romanuk, the County’s Manager of Economic Development & Tourism.

COVID-19 restrictions have compelled small businesses to make the shift to offer online sales. With the Real Haldimand Marketplace, businesses are now able to reach new audiences and stay connected with their customers through a convenient and accessible platform.

Local small business owner Krista Jefferson, who opened her Caledonia store November 2019, loves the idea of being part of a virtual marketplace for Haldimand businesses. “The support of the community has meant so much during this pandemic. As people seek to support small businesses and shopping locally – I love the idea of giving them an easy way to do it all in one place!”, she said.

To explore local shops and products in the Real Haldimand Marketplace, visit TourismHaldimand.ca/Marketplace. Browse the ever-growing list of vendors on the marketplace and purchase products through businesses’ online shopping portals.

All Haldimand County businesses with eCommerce platforms are encouraged to sign up as a vendor on the Real Haldimand Marketplace. Free support is available through the Digital Main Street program until the end of February to businesses that don’t have an online store set up already.

For more information on supports available to local business owners, such as educational webinars, access to expert business advisors and more small business resources, visit: BusinessHaldimand.ca.

The County is grateful for the support of Caledonia BIA, Caledonia Chamber of Commerce, Cayuga Chamber of Commerce, Dunnville BIA, Dunnville Chamber of Commerce, Hagersville BIA, Hagersville Chamber of Commerce and Jarvis Board of Trade who helped make the Real Haldimand Marketplace possible.

200+ Local Businesses Assisted By Haldimand County Digital Service Squad

In the fall of 2020, Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism Division – in partnership with Grand Erie Business Centre – received almost $94,000 to bring a Digital Service Squad to the community. The Digital Service Squad is one of several programs offered by Digital Main Street. Digital Main Street is funded through the launch of a $57 million partnership between FedDev Ontario and the Province of Ontario and is administered through the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA). The Digital Service Squad’s focus is to work with business owners to help develop and improve the businesses’ online presence.

Throughout the fall of 2020, Haldimand County’s Digital Service Squad went door-to-door in Caledonia, Hagersville, Jarvis, Cayuga, Dunnville, Selkirk and Fisherville to introduce the program to local businesses and promote the $2500 Digital Transformation Grant that businesses could apply for to assist with enhancing their digital presence. This resulted in the Digital Service Squad assisting over 200 local businesses from October to December 2020 with 78 of those businesses receiving approval for the Digital Transformation Grant. The overall outcome was a total of $195,000 going back to the businesses and our local community.

In addition to assisting the business with the grant application, developing a transformation plan and putting their plan into action, the Digital Service Squad has also worked closely with the businesses to improve their current digital methods. The team has assisted businesses in claiming and updating their Google My Business listings, using social media better and researching and implementing e-commerce solutions for their businesses, as well as providing assistance in enhancing new and existing websites.

“The Digital Service Squad has been well-received by many local businesses across Haldimand County,” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism. “We are pleased to be able to provide this free service to businesses at a critical time when businesses are looking for alternative business solutions and enhancing online access to their products,” said Romanuk.

While the Digital Service Squad is prevented from making in-person visits during the provincial Stay-at-Home measures, the success of the Digital Service Squad continues. Any businesses wishing to connect with the Squad can do so via a virtual meeting or via phone.

Through the months of January and February the Digital Service Squad is hosting virtual webinars. To date more than 130 attendees have registered for these 30-minute webinars. The webinar topics are focused on digital tools and provide businesses with an introductory understanding of how to use and implement them. The webinar topics are Targeted Email Marketing, Email Marketing: After the Send, Custom Graphics with Canva, Effective Advertising on Facebook and Square POS. To register to attend these free webinars or to schedule a meeting with a Digital Service Squad member go to BusinessHaldimand.ca for more information.

Haldimand County Digital Service Squad Hosting Free Online Workshops For Local Biz

Haldimand County is offering free online webinars and workshops to assist businesses with increasing their online presence. The workshops are being offered in partnership with the Grand Erie Business Centre.

Workshops will give businesses and entrepreneurs an overview of free tools they can leverage to promote their goods and services online and stay competitive. Topics include introductions to the graphic design program Canva, targeted email marketing with MailChimp and advertising on Facebook. A webinar has also been organized with guest speakers from Square to provide an overview of Square point of sale systems.

“Since last year, the County’s Digital Service Squad has been working with local businesses to help them increase their visibility online and adapt to the world of eCommerce,” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism. “We encourage all local businesses to take advantage of these workshops and reach out for one-on-one assistance if needed,” Romanuk added.

Dates and times for upcoming online workshops:

  • Targeted Email Marketing – Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 9:00 am
  • Custom Graphics with Canva – Thursday, February 4 , 2021 at 3:00 pm
  • Advertising on Facebook – Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 3:30 pm
  • Email Marketing: After the Send – Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 9:00 am
  • Point of Sale Systems with Square – Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 9:30 am

To register for a workshop or request additional information, visit BusinessHaldimand.ca, contact the County’s Economic Development and Tourism division at 905-318-5932 ext. 6331 or e-mail opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Haldimand County Launches New Tourism And Business-Focused Social Media Accounts

Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division is launching a new Instagram and Facebook accounts to support local tourism and business growth.

The new Instagram account, @TourismHaldimand, will promote tourism opportunities in Haldimand County and create a demand for local products and experiences (similar to the pre-existing Facebook page @HaldimandCountyTourism).

“The new Instagram account will enhance our tourism marketing efforts by portraying Haldimand County as a destination worth exploring to a broader audience,” said Lidy Romanuk, the County’s Manager of Economic Development & Tourism. “The account will provide us with an avenue to reach a new demographic of potential visitors. Our hope is to showcase high quality and positive experiences, build a following and collaborate with businesses to bolster local tourism,” Romanuk noted.

The new Facebook page – @BusinessHaldimand – will focus on economic development and target current and prospective business owners in Haldimand. It will be used to create an online community, distribute valuable information and celebrate local businesses.

“Haldimand County is a great place to do business and we want to further showcase the county’s potential, diversity and thriving business community,” said Romanuk.

Residents are encouraged to follow the accounts below for the most up-to-date information on tourism and business-related matters within the community – like resources for business owners (e.g. grant opportunities), special events, things to do and places to shop or visit.

Tourism Instagram: @tourismhaldimand

Tourism Facebook: @HaldimandCountyTourism

Business Facebook: @BusinessHaldimand

County Launches Haldimand Holiday Wish Book, Encourages Residents To Shop Local

For many small businesses, 2020 has been a very challenging year. To encourage residents to support local this holiday season, Haldimand County’s Economic Development & Tourism division has launched the Haldimand Holiday Wish Book – a one-stop guide for local gift ideas, unique experiences and food & drink spots.

The Holiday Wish Book celebrates local, hand-made products and features 35 local businesses. Copies are being distributed to all Haldimand residents by mail and will also be available for pickup at local libraries. An online, downloadable version of the Holiday Wish Book is also available at dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/holiday-wishbook.

“Local businesses give back to our communities in many ways. They sponsor team sports and fundraisers and hire local residents. This year, show your support by purchasing local goods and services in-person and online,” said Manager of Economic Development & Tourism at Haldimand County, Lidy Romanuk.

The heart of the Holiday Wish Book is the Real. Local. Haldimand campaign, part of the County’s 2020 Business Recovery Plan. The campaign focuses on shopping local in a safe environment.

For more information on the Haldimand Holiday Wish Book or tips on how to support local this holiday season, visit BusinessHaldimand.ca.

Real. Haldimand. Local. logo. Green festive boughs encircling 'Real. Haldimand. Local' in gold and green text. Haldimand Wish Book 2020 logo. Photos of decorative wrapped parcels, floral arrangements, local craft beer recommendations.

County-Wide Broadband Internet Project Moving Forward, Network Construction Timelines Announced

Since 2019, Haldimand County has been working to secure a vendor capable of delivering high-speed internet to all under-serviced areas within the community. In June 2020, KWIC Internet was announced as the successful proponent and network construction planning is currently underway.

In the months ahead, Haldimand County staff and KWIC project leaders will be working closely to coordinate the installation of necessary infrastructure, including fibre trenching. KWIC will also be facilitating community consultations to determine the best placement for fixed wireless towers. Public consultation notices will be delivered to initial project build areas throughout December 2020.

Fibre construction is expected to begin in mid-late January 2021 (weather permitting) and wireless tower construction in early February 2021 (also weather permitting). Based on these timeframes, it is anticipated that services for homes and businesses in the western part of Haldimand County will start becoming available during the first half of 2021.

As network construction progresses and the project moves forward, KWIC and Haldimand County will keep residents informed of more area-specific timelines. Over the project’s 5-year timeframe, broadband services will be made available to all of Haldimand County’s under-serviced areas (areas that do not have access to unlimited broadband internet with minimum download/upload speeds of 50/10 Mbps).

“We are very excited to see this project get off the ground and look forward to working with residents and stakeholders to deliver safe, efficient, industry-leading services that empower Haldimand County to connect like never before,” said Mark Rapley, KWIC Internet’s Director of Operations.

Bringing broadband internet to rural communities is one of Council’s top priorities for the 2018-2022 term. “Council is extremely pleased to see this critically important initiative move forward. It is especially welcome news given the rapid digital shift we’ve seen over the past few months and the increasing need for individuals, families and businesses to have reliable, affordable internet,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

All project-related information is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/broadband and updates will be posted here regularly.


Haldimand County Celebrating Small Business Week Virtually With Workshops/Webinars for Local Biz

This year, Haldimand County is celebrating Small Business Week virtually by offering online workshops and webinars throughout the week of October 19-23. Online workshops and webinars are being offered in partnership with the Brantford Brant Business Resource Centre (BRC); they are free and open to all local business owners within Haldimand.

Small Business Week is a national celebration that recognizes Canadian entrepreneurs, their successes and community contributions. This year’s theme is “Forging the Way Forward” and focuses on recognizing the countless examples of entrepreneurial resilience happening right now across the country.

Small businesses help shape and enhance the personality of our communities; they understand the needs of the neighborhoods we live in and are part of what make them great. Celebrating small Business Week is an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to all businesses that contribute to making Haldimand such an amazing place to live and work.

“Haldimand County strives to support and celebrate our community’s local businesses, and with this year’s virtual format, we hope to provide local entrepreneurs with the tools they need to thrive now and into the future,” said Lidy Romanuk, Haldimand’s Manager of Economic Development and Tourism.

Small Business Week virtual offerings include a series of inspiring and informative daily webinars, including a keynote address from innovative entrepreneurs John and Mark X Cronin, founders of ‘John’s Crazy Socks’. Other webinar topics include accessing and analyzing market research to inform business decisions, working and selling remotely in a digital world, managing social media and more.

Business owners are encouraged to browse the Small Business Week schedule and register online at BusinessHaldimand.ca. For additional information e-mail opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call 905 318 5932 ext. 6331.

New, Interactive ‘Haldimand Road Trip’ Map Promotes Local Tourism

As part of its ‘Real. Local.’ advertising campaign, Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division has launched a Haldimand Road Trip map. The map encourages residents to stay local and explore ‘hidden gems’ in the community this fall.

The Haldimand Road Trip map features two scenic routes in Haldimand County. The South Haldimand Lakeside Route follows the shores of Lake Erie from Nanticoke to Port Maitland, and the West Haldimand Loop traverses the charming towns of Caledonia, Hagersville and Canfield.

Both routes feature recommendations for stops along the way including historical sites, breathtaking photo opportunities, unique retail experiences and great places to eat.

“The idea behind the map is to inspire locals and neighboring communities to explore our beautiful county, while supporting local businesses,” said Lidy Romanuk, Haldimand County’s Manager of Economic Development and Tourism.

In addition to the physical map, a digital version is available at TourismHaldimand.ca which includes an interactive guide of all Road Trip stops as well as links to all local businesses.

The ‘Real. Local.’ Haldimand Road Trip map can be picked up at any Haldimand County library, museum or at the Haldimand County Administration Building (53 Thorburn St. S, Cayuga). Individuals or businesses who would like to copies of the Road Trip Map – or other Haldimand County maps or guides – may contact opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

The creation of the Haldimand Road Trip map is part of the County’s COVID-19 business recovery marketing campaign currently being implemented by its Economic Development and Tourism division. The campaign and associated initiatives were made possible through funding received by the FedDev Ontario Regional Relief Recovery Fund (RRRF).