Council Reviews 2020 Tax-Supported Capital Budget

Haldimand County Council reviewed the 2020 Tax Supported Capital Budget on March 5; it will be ratified on Monday, March 9. The Tax Supported Capital Budget outlines $37.1 million of infrastructure investment in 2020, with a total tax-supported infrastructure investment of $246.4 million over the next 10 years. In total, 334 new tax-supported capital projects have been scheduled for the 2020 calendar year.

The 2020 Capital Budget is heavily focused on infrastructure renewal with notable expenditures in areas such as roadway improvements, bridge and culvert rehabilitation and enhancements to corporate, community and recreation facilities.

2020 Capital Budget Highlights:

● $20.2 million towards roadway and active transportation improvements such as paving, reconstruction, resurfacing, gravel road conversion, pedestrian crosswalk installation, sidewalk/curb replacements and street lighting as well as bridge repairs, bridge rehabilitation and other structure-related projects (such as culvert replacements)

● $9.5 million towards community partnership projects and enhancements to parks, trails, arenas, pools, museums and libraries

● $679,000 towards tree conservation and reforestation initiatives

In recent years the County has deliberately increased its investment in capital to ensure that existing facilities are updated, new facilities desired by the community are added and that a funding plan is in place to minimize tax impacts. Money is set aside every year to ensure that when assets need repairs or replacing, funding is available.

“We’re at a point where, during budget preparations, there aren’t a lot of surprises. Staff have applied strong financial principles and asset management practices that result in a predictable, flexible and sustainable capital program. By planning for the long-term, we’re in an excellent position to address priorities and respond to community needs,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

Similar to past years, the capital levy, funded by property taxes, will increase by about $672,000, or about 1% of the overall municipal levy. The total municipal levy for 2020 will be determined in April once the 2020 Tax Supported Operating Budget is approved by Council.

The 2020 Tax Supported Operating Budget will be presented to Council on the following dates:

• April 22 & 23*, 2020 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the new Haldimand County Administration Building Council Chamber (*if required)

More information on Haldimand County budgets can be found at You can view the full 2020 Tax-Supported Capital Budget document on the Budgets page.

County-Wide Broadband Internet Project Moving Ahead

During Council in Committee on Tuesday, March 3, staff provided a verbal update regarding the County-wide broadband internet project. Substantial progress has been made to date and the County is on track to secure an internet service provider (ISP) capable of delivering county-wide broadband internet by spring 2020.

With assistance from a third party Technical Consultant, staff have prepared a draft Project Agreement (PA) outlining all technical and financial project requirements including: 1) the technical feasibility of proposed service deployment, 2) service deployment timelines and 3) a comprehensive cost analysis. These components are of critical importance and will guide evaluations of all ISPs moving forward.

Next steps involve finalizing the draft PA, issuing the Negotiated Request For Proposal (NRFP) and facilitating individual consultations with the 3 pre-qualified ISPs – KWIC Internet, Metroloop Inc. & Xplornet. Consultations are expected to take place over the next several weeks and will provide valuable insight into the technical and financial feasibility of all ISP proposals.

“Council is committed to finding a financially sound, practical solution that makes internet connectivity attainable and sustainable for everyone,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt. “We’re taking all steps necessary to ensure we find the right provider that is capable of delivering these services in the long-term,” he added.

The draft PA and NRFP will be shared with the public once finalized. Once available, residents will be invited to review these documents and provide input on technical and financial components of the project (e.g: minimum download speeds, service costs, etc). More information regarding this community consultation will announced shortly.

Staff intend to issue the NRFP in April and negotiate an agreement with the successful ISP by the end of May.

Haldimand Museums hosting annual Valentine Tea, Heritage Day festivities and more this February

Haldimand County Museum & Archives is pleased to offer four exciting events at the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre this February. Spend an afternoon at the Valentine Tea, explore Haldimand’s heritage and learn about its Black History. Pre-registration is required for all paid events; you can register online or at any Haldimand County Offices using the code provided.

Mark your calendars and join us:

February 12 – Historically Speaking – Cupid’s Arrows (1pm)
Our traditional Valentine Tea followed by a Valentine mystery for you to solve. Beginning with our traditional homemade scones and fresh raspberry jam, the afternoon will continue as you learn the clues to solve our Valentine mystery. Cost is $15/pp. Pre registration is required.  Code: 10327

February 17 – Heritage Day in Selkirk sponsored by North Erie Shore Historical Society (10am to 5pm)
Plan on attending this free event at Selkirk Centennial Community Hall on Family Day. Heritage displays, entertainment, hands on activities & fun for kids of all ages. Haldimand Museums will be there with a tribute to the 1920s. This event is free and everyone is welcome!

February 18 – Life & Times Series- Haldimand’s Black History (6:30pm)
The talk will focus on the history of Black settlement in Haldimand County and the connection to the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States. This network was used by African-American slaves to escape into free states and Canada, with the aid of abolitionists and allies. Cost is $10/pp   Code: 10329

February 22 – Heritage Series-TV Mania (1pm)
The invention of the television revolutionized how we are entertained. Families gathered around the TV to enjoy a variety of programs, and advertisers were thrilled with this new media giving them the opportunity to market their productions into everyone’s living room. This talk will explore the history TV and how it changed the world.
Cost is $10/pp Code: 10330

For more information contact the museum at 905-772-5880 or
email: Haldimand County Museum & Archives is  located within the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre at 19 Talbot St, Cayuga.

Haldimand County now offering full-day March Break camps

New this year, Haldimand County is offering full-day March Break camps for children aged 4-10. Camps will run from 8:30am to 4:30pm at a number of locations County-wide, with full-week and one-day attendance options.

The decision to offer full-day camps during March Break was made after a thorough analysis of recreation activity-related feedback from parents and caregivers. Comments received through all feedback channels indicated a need for programming that aligns with a typical work day.

The new, full day March Break programs are based upon the popular summer Camp HaldiFUN model. Kids will have the chance to participate in a number of fun activities/games and express their creativity through hands-on arts and crafts. The following March Break camp options will be offered:

Full week                                                                                                                    $110.75 per participant

Daily                                                                                                                            $23.00 per participant

Full week am (7:30 – 8:30am) or pm (4:30 – 5:30pm) care                          $25.00 per participant

Daily am (7:30 – 8:30am) or pm (4:30 – 5:30pm) care                                  $5.00 per participant

Camps will be offered at the Haldimand County Caledonia Centre, Grace United Church (Caledonia), Cayuga Memorial Arena, Amity Lodge (Dunnville), Hagersville Arena, and for the first time ever – the Jarvis Lawn Bowling Club.

Registration for the March Break programs opens February 1 and may be completed online at or any county office. More information about the County’s recreation program offerings is available at and in the Community Guide.

New Haldimand County Administration Building opening February 25, 2020

Construction on Haldimand County’s new administration building is wrapping up and the building will be open to the public for service on February 25, 2020.

“The new administration building is a reflection of the County’s long-term, strategic focus on continued service excellence and efficient, transparent government. The building design is community-focused, cost-effective and well-equipped to lead our growing County into the future,” said Mayor Ken Hewitt.

Staff will be permanently relocated to the new administration building at 53 Thorburn St. S throughout February on the dates highlighted below.

Satellite OfficeRelocation details
Haldimand County Caledonia Centre administration offices
100 Haddington St., Caledonia
HCCC administration offices will close at 12pm on February 7, 2020
Dunnville Satellite Office
117 Forest St. E., Dunnville
The Dunnville Satellite Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Caledonia Satellite Office
282 Argyle St. S., Caledonia
The Caledonia Satellite Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Kohler Garage / Office
1162 Kohler Rd., Cayuga
The Kohler Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Hagersville Satellite Office
1 Main St. S., Hagersville
The Hagersville Satellite Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Cayuga Administration Building
45 Munsee St. N., Cayuga
The Cayuga Administration Building will close at 4:30pm on February 27, 2020.


‘myHaldimand’ or ‘myHC’ community hubs will soon be open for use at all local libraries. Dunnville, Caledonia & Hagersville hubs are now available for use and Selkirk, Cayuga & Jarvis hubs will be open shortly. ‘myHC’ community hubs are computer and information stations designed to connect residents with County news, information and access to online services. For residents who are not familiar with online services offered, such as paying taxes or water bills online, library staff will be available to provide guidance on how to utilize them. Additional 24/7 online services (such as applications for certain permits) will be introduced in the near future.

“The new building is a one stop shop. Under the new centralized service delivery model, there’s no longer a need to visit multiple offices for specific services, and many services can be accessed online,” Mayor Hewitt noted. “This is an exciting moment for Haldimand County and I look forward to welcoming and serving the community in this new space.”

Other key dates & information

  • All satellite offices, with the exception of the old Cayuga Administration Building (45 Munsee St. N., Cayuga), will be permanently closed as of Friday, February 21 at 12pm. Residents who require in-person service between Friday, February 21 at 12pm and Tuesday, February 25 at 8:30am may visit the old Cayuga Administration Building.
  • The first Council in Committee meeting in the new Haldimand County Administration Building is expected to be held on Tuesday, March 31.
  • Court will begin operating in the new building as of Wednesday, March 4.
  • Service enhancements that residents and contractors will experience immediately in the new administration building will be the provision of full day permit application intake, general inquires and building inspections (Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm). Inspection requests can be made by calling 905-318-5932 or emailing As of February 25, building inspections received prior to 3:00 pm will be scheduled for the next business day.

Plans for the new building and centralized service delivery model have been in the development stages since their approval by Council in early 2016, with a focus on enhancing customer service, maximizing administrative/operational efficiencies and ensuring long-term cost effectiveness. More information about the new administration building, including a project timeline, is available at

2019 Uniquely Haldimand Photo Contest winners announced

On January 17, 2020 Haldimand County announced its 2019 Uniquely Haldimand Photo Contest winners.

A panel of judges comprised of County staff, community figures & a local photographer/filmmaker closely examined all submissions and determined the grand prize, second prize and honorable mention winners. The winners include:

In addition to contest prizes (gift cards for local culinary experiences), winning photographs will be displayed at the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre in late January.

Special thanks are owed to contest judges Graeme Bachiu (Windecker Road Films), Kaitlyn
Clark (The Haldimand Press), Yvonne Van De Wiele (92.9 The Grand FM), Karen Richardson (Haldimand County Museum & Archives) and Jane Andersen (Haldimand County Economic Development & Tourism) for their participation and thorough, thoughtful examination of all entries.

You can view past winners at Details about this year’s photo contest will be announced in the Fall/Winter 2020-21 Community Guide and on the County website.

Haldimand County Now Accepting Nominations For Business Excellence Awards

On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 Haldimand County will host its annual Business Excellence Awards breakfast. The Mayor and Council invite residents, local business owners, representatives from Chambers of Commerce, Business Improvement Areas, and business organizations across the county to submit nominations recognizing outstanding local business achievements in 2019.

Nominations for outstanding business achievements are now being accepted in the following categories:

  • Agri-business Award – Recognizes a business that is connected to the agricultural sector or the supply chain;
  • Business Award – Presented to 2 businesses that can demonstrate growth, excellence and innovation. Awarded to one company with more than 10 employees and one company with 10 employees or less;
  • Tourism Business Award – Recognizes businesses that provide tourism experiences and promote Haldimand County as a tourism destination;
  • Real Potential Award – Recognizes outstanding young entrepreneurs and new businesses that have been in business for under 3 years;
  • Not–for-Profit Award – Recognizes outstanding leadership and organizational excellence in a registered not-for-profit or charity.

“The Business Excellence Awards are an opportunity to recognize the outstanding achievements and the positive growth made by businesses in our community.” explained Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism Division.

Individuals or organizations interested in nominating a local business are invited to do so by February 14, 2020. Nomination forms and award guidelines can be picked up at all Haldimand County offices, libraries or accessed online at For more information please call 905-318-5932 ext. 6331.

Haldimand County Museum & Archives kicks off 2020 with a blast from the past at Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre

Haldimand County Museum & Archives is pleased to offer four exciting events in January. Residents will have the chance to learn about a famous inventor from Haldimand, cultural cooking, Haldimand’s Black History and winter pastimes enjoyed by our ancestors. All programs will be held at the new Cayuga Library & Heritage Centre; registration may be completed online or in-person at any County office.

Life & Times Series: “P.L. Robertson” – January 14 (6:30 pm)
This special talk will highlight the life and times of Peter Lymburner Robertson, from Seneca, the inventor of the Robertson screwdriver. In 1907, while demonstrating a new slot headed screw driver for a Philadelphia based tool company, Robertson cut his hand badly when the driver – as it had time and time again – slipped out of the slot.  Always a tinkerer, he set himself the task of inventing a new screw that would not only be safer, but faster and more efficient than its outdated predecessor. Pre-registration is required for this program; the cost is $10/person. Code: 10323.

Exhibit Opening Talk: “They Came in the Night” – January 15 (1pm)
This talk will kick off the museum’s latest exhibit on the history of the Underground Railway and black settlements in Haldimand County. The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early-to-mid-19th century. This network was used by African-American slaves to escape into free states and Canada, with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause. Pre-registration is required for this program; the cost is $10/person. Code: 10324. The Exhibit will be open until March 25.

Workshop “Cultural Cooking” – January 22 (1 pm)
Shopping local is not a new thing. Our early ancestors had to adapt their cooking skills to what food was available. The food traditions that they brought with them from their homelands were adapted to work with what was on hand in Canada. This workshop will explore some of these early dishes and how they form what we now call ‘Canadian Cuisine’.   Pre-registration is required for this program; the cost is $10/person. Code: 10343.

Heritage Series “Winter Pastimes” – January 25 (1pm)
This talk will focus on the winter pastimes our ancestors enjoyed and how our various cultures influenced our traditional games.   Cost $10/pp   Code: 10407

For more information contact the museum at 905-772-5880 or email: Haldimand County Museum & Archives is located within the  Cayuga Library & Heritage Centre, 19 Talbot St W, Cayuga.

Tim Horton’s Christmas free skates happening across Haldimand

Have some fun this winter with the Tim Hortons’ Free Skates program! Tim Hortons restaurant owners proudly offer complimentary skating during the winter season at local community arenas across the country. Below is a list of the FREE Skates in Haldimand County this holiday season. Be sure to check the events calendar for the most up-to-date program information (cancellations, etc).


December 23, 2019 -January 3, 2020 Tim Horton’s FREE Skate Schedule

December 23

Cayuga Memorial Arena: 1 to 2pm
Dunnville Memorial Arena: 2 to 3pm
Hagersville Arena: 10 to 11am

December 24

Haldimand County Caledonia Centre: 11am to 12:30pm (Almas Rink)
Dunnville Memorial Arena: 10:30am to 12pm
Hagersville Arena: 1 to 2pm

December 27

Haldimand County Caledonia Centre: 1:30 to 2:30pm (Almas Rink)
Cayuga Memorial Arena: 1 to 2:30pm
Dunnville Memorial Arena: 11am to 12pm

December 30

Cayuga Memorial Arena: 1:30 to 2:30pm

December 31

Haldimand County Caledonia Centre: 12pm to 1pm (Clark Rink)
Dunnville Memorial Arena: 10:30 to 11:30am
Hagersville Arena: 1 to 2pm

January 2

Haldimand County Caledonia Centre: 10 to 11am (Clark Rink)
Hagersville Arena: 10 to 11:30am

January 3

Cayuga Memorial Arena: 11am to 12pm


Haldimand County Official Plan update to begin in January 2020

Haldimand County’s Official Plan will be undergoing an update starting in early 2020. On January 14, staff will present a report to Council outlining the proposed phasing of the update and scope of work. Residents are invited to attend the January 14 Council in Committee meeting to learn more about the project and share ideas for Haldimand’s future.

An Official Plan is a statutory document required by the province of Ontario that describes a municipality’s long-term land-use strategy. It addresses the location and form of new housing, industry, offices and shops as well as anticipated needs for infrastructure. Streets, parks, transit, schools, community amenities, and other elements of a growing city are all considered in the Official Plan.

Haldimand County’s current Official Plan was approved by Council in 2006 and by the Province in 2009. There have been about 50 amendments to the Plan since then. In recent years, there have been significant changes to Provincial policies that guide land development and as such, the County’s Plan must be updated. The current Official Plan was intended to guide growth and development to 2031. The updated Plan will guide growth and development over the next 25 years – to 2046.

Residents who wish to provide input on the Official Plan may attend the January 14, 2020 Council in Committee meeting to share their ideas with Council. Registering as a speaker or delegate is not required. Alternatively, residents may submit their comments in writing to the Municipal Clerk by January 7, 2020.

The Official Plan update will be a multi-year project implemented in phases, with the long-term growth strategy being the first phase. Community consultations and engagement activities will be held throughout the duration of the project.

Two Public Information Centres (PICs) are being planned for early February and mid-April 2020 to educate community members about the project and obtain feedback on proposed policies and Plan amendments. Further details about the Official Plan update – including PIC times and locations – will be announced in the near future.