Haldimand County Launches Outdoor Dining Campaign

With restrictions being lifted, and the summer season well underway,  Haldimand County is pleased to highlight all the amazing outdoor dining options available throughout the County via an upcoming social media campaign.

The campaign, taking place over the next several weeks, will promote the various outdoor dining options,  and can be found at tourismhaldimand.ca. This new landing page features an interactive map and highlights all the participating locations.

“The hospitality sector including restaurants have struggled throughout the pandemic . With the recent announcement of the Province moving into stage two, we believe that it is now more important than ever to remind local residents that all of their favorite dining experiences are opening up again” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism.

With over 30 patios, food trucks, and outdoor windows, serving ice cream made locally, Lake Erie perch, and everything in between, there is always a new experience around the corner.

To browse the featured outdoor dining listings and explore the interactive map, visit tourismhaldimand.ca. Stay updated with new additions on our Tourism Instagram and Facebook. For additional information, or if you want to add your business to the local directory,  contact opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca or 905-318-5932 ext. 6331.

When you are out enjoying these public spaces, please comply with current public health orders and maintain physical distancing at all times.

Haldimand County Announces “Out and About in Haldimand” GeoTour

If you are looking for a new local adventure this summer, check out Haldimand County’s first ever GeoTour!

The GeoTour is a real-world, outdoor treasure-hunting game that uses GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.

This is a great activity for any resident, visitor or family that likes the challenge of an outdoor scavenger hunt combined with a chance to check out the County’s beautiful parks and natural areas.

More than twenty geocaches have been tucked into parks and public properties throughout the County. Anyone completing the Tour by December can redeem their ‘passport’ to receive a specially-designed “Out and About In Haldimand” geocoin.

To learn more geocaching and the tour, including a ‘how to’ video, visit https://dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/festivals-events/2021-geocache/.

Haldimand County Recruiting for New Youth and Seniors Advisory Committees

Haldimand County is launching two new community engagement opportunities for residents who want to get involved: a Youth Advisory Committee and a Seniors Advisory Committee. These Committees will advise Council about issues and policies that impact the quality of life of youth and seniors in the County.

The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for members from ages 16 to 24 years from across the County, while the Seniors Advisory Committee welcomes interested residents 60 years and older. Both Committees will have ten members and will work with staff to establish a vision and work plan with action steps, timelines and outcomes for each term of Council.

Youth Committee members will act as representatives for the County’s youngest residents, advising on ways to enrich and enhance their health and quality of life. Seniors Committee participants will share information about issues impacting seniors while developing recommendations and action plans to build supports for older adults. Both Committee offer opportunities to make new connections, gain knowledge and skills and make a meaningful contribution to Haldimand County.

Applications will be accepted until August 15, 2021. For more information about the committees, application process, terms of reference or the expectations of members, visit dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/community-partnerships or contact Andrea Moodie at 905-318-5932 Ext. 6119 or amoodie@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Haldimand County Summer Program Registration Opens June 14

Summer is quickly approaching and the Haldimand County Summer Programs Team has been hard at work creating plans for a safe return to day camps and aquatic programs!

This summer will see the return of Camp HaldiFUN, Camp Creative Campers and the Leadership Initiative in a variety of locations: Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, Hagersville and Jarvis.  Fun will be the focus as staff make sure every day at camp is filled with a variety of activities, crafts and games.

If you’re looking to cool off this summer, visit one of the County’s three outdoor pools located in Caledonia, Dunnville and Hagersville for a swim or for some lessons. Watch the Haldimand County website and social media accounts for a pool opening announcement coming soon!

Safety measures related to COVID-19 will be in place to ensure everyone has a safe camp or aquatics experience.

Pre-registration for public and fitness swims will be required again this summer. Residents can book free public/fitness swim slots using the County’s online registration system (link.haldimandcounty.ca) or by calling Haldimand County customer service at (905) 318-5932. Please note there will be an overall reduction in the number of public swim spots available to comply with social distancing requirements, and participants are encouraged to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Registration opens on Monday, June 14 for day camps and aquatic programs; you can register by using the County’s online registration system or in-person at the Haldimand County Administration Building in Cayuga.

For more details regarding the camp and swim programs, contact the Summer Coordinators at (905) 318-5932 ext. 8383.

Make a splash this summer!!

Haldimand Museums and Cayuga Secondary School hosting virtual art exhibit, online auction

Haldimand Museums and Cayuga Secondary School’s grade 11 art class have once again partnered to produce a very special exhibit: “We Chair-ish You In Haldimand County”.

This virtual exhibit, which runs May 4 to May 20, displays 17 re-purposed wooden chairs showcasing unique artistic designs produced by Mrs. Lammens’ talented students. Accompanying each chair is an artist statement in which the student conveys the story or idea behind their chair’s distinctive design, including which artist and movement they have chosen to emulate.

These one-of-a-kind chairs will be available to the public through an online auction; bidders have from Monday, May 10 through Thursday, May 20 at 4:30 pm to place their bids.

In 2019, the “We Chair-ish You in Haldimand County” event raised over $1,000. Once again this year all proceeds will benefit future exhibitions and program development at Haldimand Museums.

For further information, contact the Wilson MacDonald Memorial School Museum at 905-776-3319 or wmacdonald.museum@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Haldimand Museums Celebrate Museum Month With Virtual Presentations, Exhibits

May is Museum Month in Ontario and Haldimand Museums is proud to announce its ‘virtual’ return to monthly presentations via ZOOM, beginning May 12, 2021 and continuing through July.

Special presentations will be led by Heritage Centre Curator, Karen Richardson, and highlight topics like Famous Canadian Mothers, The Life and Times of Peter Lymburner Robertson (the Canadian inventor of the Robertson screwdriver) and You Can’t Live Without It, a look at the impact of advertising through the centuries.

Individual interested in attending may view the full program descriptions and register through the County’s program registration portal.

For more information on virtual museum programming, contact the Heritage Centre at 905-318-5932 ext. 6613 or e-mail museum.archives@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

While museums are closed for in-person service due to COVID-19 restrictions, staff remain available to assist with research inquiries via the contacts listed above.

Haldimand County Celebrates Black History Month With Special Presentation On Canfield’s Ties To Underground Railroad

February is Black History Month, and Haldimand Museums and Heritage Haldimand have partnered to present an online historical telling of black freedom seekers who came to Canfield via the Underground Railroad more than 150 years ago.

The online presentation is researched and narrated by well-known local historian Sylvia Weaver, who has been working to share and recognize this important history for years, including through the installation of a Black Settlement Marker and Memorial Plaque in Canfield Park in 2017.

This rich history explored in the presentation is little known to many but tells the story of the village of Canfield, whose residents welcomed slaves fleeing from the United States through the Underground Railroad and worked with the newcomers to build a vibrant community.

Through photos and historical documents, the presentation focuses on the personal stories of the freedom seekers, the significance of the Underground Railroad, the development of the Black community in Canfield and the lives of its families.

Haldimand Museums staff have also prepared an Education Package with reading materials and resources to encourage educators and learners of all ages to better understand this meaningful local history.

All materials will be available for viewing on February 10, 2021, on Haldimand County Heritage & Culture page: HaldimandCounty.ca/heritage-culture.

For more information about Haldimand County’s heritage programming or support materials, please contact Haldimand Museums.

Pictured below (L to R): Donna Ford, President of the Central Ontario Network for Black History and Sylvia Weaver, historian and member of Heritage Haldimand during the 2017 black settlement market and memorial plaque unveiling.


Heritage Centre In Cayuga Hosting Conservation Workshop, Irish Celebrations And More This March

The Heritage Centre has announced its March program lineup at the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre facility. Residents and visitors are invited to learn how to take care of family heirlooms, celebrate all things Irish and discover how one of Haldimand County’s politicians became the Speaker of the House. Program registration may be completed online or in-person at the new Haldimand County Administration Building using the code provided.


Heritage Series: You’ve Come Along Way Baby – March 10 (6:30 pm)

In celebration of Women’s History Month, this talk will explore the roles of women through the ages. By the 19th century, Canadian women increasingly protested against discrimination in education and paid employment as well as violence against women and children. This sparred the suffragette movement which would eventually garner women the right to vote. Pre-registration is required for this program; cost is $10/person. Code: 10946.


Adult Workshop: Preserving Your Family Heirlooms – March 11 (1 pm)

Here is your opportunity to learn how to take care of those precious family heirlooms! In this hands-on session, Museum staff will teach you how to care for documents, photos, or objects and stop the damage caused by common environmental threats (mold, water, etc). Pre-registration is required for this program; cost is $10/person. Light refreshments will be provided. Code: 10331.


Historic Talk: When Irish Eyes are Smiling – March 17 (6:30 pm)

This talk will explore the migration of Irish settlers to Canada and Haldimand County during the 19th century. The potato famine and the promise of a new life in Canada saw the migration of thousands of Irish people fleeing poverty and oppression in their homeland. The building of the Grand River Canal saw an influx of Irish settlers to Haldimand County. Pre-registration is required for this program; cost is $10/person. Code: 10332.


Historically Speaking-Irish Customs & Traditions Tea & Talk – March 18 (1 pm)

At this very Irish afternoon participants will celebrate by wearing of green, learning about Irish culture and exploring its superstitions with Heritage Centre staff. Homemade scones and other Irish treats will be served. Pre-registration is required for this program; cost is $15/person. Code: 10333.

Life & Times Series: Jacob Baxter, A Man for the People – March 25 (1 pm)

This informative talk will showcase the life of Jacob Baxter, a renowned Haldimand physician and politician. After graduating from the University of New York and the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Jacob came to Cayuga to set up a medical practice in partnership with his younger brother Benjamin. In 1867 he was elected as the Liberal Member of the Legislative Assembly for Haldimand. In 1887 he was appointed the Speaker of the House, a post he held until 1894. Code: 10334.

Anyone seeking further information about museum programs may call 905-772-5880 or email: museum.archives@haldimandcounty.on.ca. The Heritage Centre is located at 19 Talbot St W, Cayuga.

Haldimand Museums hosting annual Valentine Tea, Heritage Day festivities and more this February

Haldimand County Museum & Archives is pleased to offer four exciting events at the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre this February. Spend an afternoon at the Valentine Tea, explore Haldimand’s heritage and learn about its Black History. Pre-registration is required for all paid events; you can register online or at any Haldimand County Offices using the code provided.

Mark your calendars and join us:

February 12 – Historically Speaking – Cupid’s Arrows (1pm)
Our traditional Valentine Tea followed by a Valentine mystery for you to solve. Beginning with our traditional homemade scones and fresh raspberry jam, the afternoon will continue as you learn the clues to solve our Valentine mystery. Cost is $15/pp. Pre registration is required.  Code: 10327

February 17 – Heritage Day in Selkirk sponsored by North Erie Shore Historical Society (10am to 5pm)
Plan on attending this free event at Selkirk Centennial Community Hall on Family Day. Heritage displays, entertainment, hands on activities & fun for kids of all ages. Haldimand Museums will be there with a tribute to the 1920s. This event is free and everyone is welcome!

February 18 – Life & Times Series- Haldimand’s Black History (6:30pm)
The talk will focus on the history of Black settlement in Haldimand County and the connection to the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States. This network was used by African-American slaves to escape into free states and Canada, with the aid of abolitionists and allies. Cost is $10/pp   Code: 10329

February 22 – Heritage Series-TV Mania (1pm)
The invention of the television revolutionized how we are entertained. Families gathered around the TV to enjoy a variety of programs, and advertisers were thrilled with this new media giving them the opportunity to market their productions into everyone’s living room. This talk will explore the history TV and how it changed the world.
Cost is $10/pp Code: 10330

For more information contact the museum at 905-772-5880 or
email: museum.archives@haldimandcounty.on.ca. Haldimand County Museum & Archives is  located within the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre at 19 Talbot St, Cayuga.

Haldimand Museums Hosting Oral History Workshop With Broadcast TV Icon & Internationally Recognized Filmmaker

This February, Haldimand Museums will be welcoming internationally recognized filmmaker Graeme Bachiu and iconic CHCH-TV news anchor Connie Smith to present an oral history/interviewing workshop.

This special workshop, to be held at Edinburgh Square Heritage & Cultural Centre on Saturday, February 29 (1pm to 4pm), will cover the skills needed to film and interview subjects to preserve oral histories.

“In every family, stories are passed down from generation to generation, occasionally graining details with each telling,” said Anne Unyi, Haldimand County’s Supervisor of Heritage & Culture. “Preserving those stories through film & one-on-one interviews has become much easier with technological advancements, but using these technologies and knowing how to ask the right questions are skills a lot of us need help developing,” Unyi added.

In part one of the workshop, filmmaker Graeme Bachiu will teach participants the basic camera and interviewing skills they will need to collect and preserve oral histories. The Oral History Workshop will present both technical and practical hands-on approaches to conducting interviews. In the second half of the workshop, Graeme will collaborate with one of the best interviewers in the business – former CHCH-TV anchor Connie Smith – to teach a master class in interviewing.

Graeme Bachiu, an internationally recognized documentary filmmaker with over 25 years of film and TV experience. Graeme’s work has been shown on CTV, CBC, CHCH-TV, CNN and NBC and his documentary short films have been screened at film festivals around the world. Graeme has a deep interest in history and preserving stories of the past.

The workshop is available to anyone with an interest in undertaking an oral history project, learning basic principles of filmmaking or becoming a better interviewer. Cost for the program is $20.00 per person. Registration may be completed online at link.haldimandcounty.ca or in person at any Haldimand County office using program code 10459.