Civic Addressing

In an emergency, your civic address is required so Emergency Services can quickly and efficiently locate your property. As such, all properties with residents or businesses in Haldimand County require a visible Civic Address to be posted.

What is a Civic Address?

A civic address is comprised of three parts: a civic number/building number (which sometimes includes a unit number, suite number etc.), a full street name (which can include a prefix direction, name, suffix and type) and the municipality/the lowest legally recognized jurisdiction.

For example, 2985 Highway 6, Haldimand County consists of:

  • A civic number – 2985
  • A full street name – Highway 6
  • A municipality – Haldimand County

Civic Address = 911 Number = Fire Number

Ensure your Civic Number is Clearly Visible

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to see your civic number sign from the road while travelling in either direction.
  • In urban and hamlet areas the property owner is responsible for posting the civic number.
  • In rural areas a standard green reflective sign is required. It is the owners responsibility to maintain this sign. Instructions on sign placement can be found HERE.
  • Remove obstructions – trim back bushes, trees and weeds.

The current 2022 Civic Address Fee is $99.00 + $12.97 HST = $111.87.

The Civic Address fee is required for all requests with a sign order. The fee is waived in urban areas (Caledonia, Dunnville, Hagersville, Cayuga, Jarvis and Townsend), where no sign is required.

If your sign is stolen, the fee may be waived upon receipt of a Police Report number.

The 2022 fee for a Civic Address sign was set by Council along with other user fees and service charges in Report BME-03-2021 Building, Planning and Road Fee Update – 2022 under Schedule Q. The fee is such to cover the costs of the sign itself and administration.

Paying Fees

Fees can be paid at the Administration Building in Cayuga, located at 53 Thorburn Street South, Cayuga.

Cheques are to be made payable to “Haldimand County” and can be mailed to the Administration Building, addressed to the “Planning & Development Division, attention Jessica Easson”. The enclosed cheque can also be submitted through the Administration Building Dropbox off of Chippewa Street. Please also include a note that the payment is for a Civic Address Request. Fees currently CANNOT be paid over the phone or via e-transfer.

To apply for a Civic Address you must complete the attached application for and pay the applicable fee.

The application form is linked HERE.

When to fill out a Civic Address Request form? 

  • If your property has not been assigned a Civic Address/911 number
  • If you require a new or replacement green 911 sign because yours has gone missing or has been damaged
  • If you require an address verification sent to local agencies

The Property Owner is required to fill out the request form and include their contact information along with information about the property to be addressed. It is important that submissions include a diagram indicating the location of the driveway/entrance with as much detail as possible as the address assigned is based on the location of the driveway.

Vacant Lot 911 Signs – The Emily Project

Accidents can happen anywhere. In the event of an emergency, Farm 911 signs assist First Responders in locating individuals on vacant agricultural land who require emergency assistance in a timely manner. The Farm 911 Emily Project is a program which aims to assign civic addresses to existing access points on both vacant agricultural and rural lands.

For more information on how to order your sign please visit The Farm 911 Emily Project homepage.

For questions regarding Civic Addressing or to submit an application, please email or contact Jessica Easson, Planning Technician tel: 905-318-5932 x 6212