Residents Invited To Learn More About Future Hagersville Library + Active Living Centre At Community Open House

Haldimand County is inviting residents to attend a community open house to learn more about plans for the future Hagersville Library + Active Living Centre.

As part of the planned replacement of the Hagersville Public Library and in recognition of the need for more accessible public spaces given the community’s significant growth, Council has authorized staff to initiate a community capital fund-raising campaign and proceed with community consultations/other activities to support the construction of this new multi-purpose facility.

Hagersville has been identified as the second-fastest-growing urban community in Haldimand and has a shortage of accessible public buildings for recreation, leisure and community socialization. The current community hall is approximately 100 years old and has challenges associated with accessibility and functionality.

The existing Hagersville Public Library, while enjoyed by residents since 1945, is limited in terms of accessibility, programming, services and parking.

The new, integrated facility is intended to be located in Hagersville’s Grant Kett Park, a large downtown green space which already includes the arena, three ball diamonds and a natural amphitheatre used for events. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.

Residents are encouraged to register and attend one of four open house sessions to learn more about the project and provide input into the design of this new community asset.  

Four half-hour sessions are being held on Wednesday, October 20 at the Hagersville Community Centre (62 Main Street South) from 6 to 6:30 p.m., 6:45 to 7:15 p.m, 7:30 to 8 p.m. or 8:15 to 8:45 p.m.

In keeping with provincial and public health guidelines, registration will be limited to 25 participants per session, and proof of vaccination will be required in accordance with provincial guidelines.

Interested residents may register online at or by calling 905-318-5932 ext. 6370.

Haldimand continues to grow. By 2041, the population is expected to increase to approximately 68,000 and by 2051, that number is likely to climb to 77,000. In order to meet community needs resulting from this growth and anticipated demographic changes, Haldimand County Council has also directed staff to undertake a Major Community & Recreation Facility Needs & Implementation Strategy.

Separate from the Hagersville Library + Active Living Centre, this feasibility study/analysis will be conducted to identify and prioritize additional community wellness and recreation needs associated with the County’s 20+ year growth forecast, including locations and components.

Watch for upcoming opportunities to share your thoughts and input into this important process.