Community Policing Committees

Haldimand County Community Policing Committees

The Community Policing Committees of Haldimand County have taken a collaborative approach by working together with the OPP, Crime Stoppers and Haldimand County, in conjunction with the Police Services Board, to identify and prevent crime and promote safety within Haldimand County.

Currently, there are Community Policing Committees across Haldimand County, each comprised of local citizen volunteers and an O.P.P. liaison officer. You may have seen Community Policing active in your community by attending a Crash Reenactment or Community Day; reading newsletters; taking part in a Speedwatch program; seeing volunteers doing walkabouts or painting over graffiti, or several other programs carried out.

Volunteers make up Community Policing Committees all over Canada! Committees/volunteers can be as involved as they wish, having the flexibility to work on public safety and security programming initiatives they feel are important in their communities. Committees are encouraged to work with each other to allow for cross-County initiatives and share successes and advice. They hold regular meetings, carry out their initiatives and report back to the Board.

Why Volunteer?

  • Earn volunteer hours for school or resume
  • Funded learning opportunities re: safety in your community
  • Make a difference & help your community!

How to volunteer:

There are lots of ways to get involved! Join an active team or help with an upcoming special event, newsletter or program by contacting the committee:

No active committee in your area? Start one! Contact the Community Policing Liaison for more information (905) 318-5932, ext. 6341 or