Haldimand County re-introducing ‘Clean and Green’ program ahead of Earth Day
Haldimand County is committed to investing in programs and partnerships that contribute to the vibrancy and health of its communities. In addition to offering Community Partnership Program capital grants, Community Beautification grants and related supports, Haldimand County provides support to community groups and individuals who wish to lead community clean-up activities.
The County provides supplies like gloves, garbage/recycling bags, pickers, brooms, vandalism wipes and other items to those who wish to lead a community clean-up day(s). The County will also coordinate for waste to be picked up once the clean-up is complete!
Check out the new, simplified Clean & Green application online at HaldimandCounty.ca/Clean-and-Green/.
Anyone seeking further information about Haldimand County’s Clean and Green Program is encouraged to call 905-318-5932, ext. 6119 or e-mail Haldimand County’s Community Development & Partnerships Division at cdp@haldimandcounty.on.ca.