Haldimand County, the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) have updated the Lake Erie shoreline flood, erosion and dynamic beach hazard mapping.
Lake Erie Shoreline Hazard Mapping and Risk Assessment Study
Final Technical Report:
- The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) provided project management in updating the Lake Erie shoreline flood, erosion and dynamic beach hazard mapping on behalf of Haldimand County, as well as the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) and the Niagara Peninsula Authority (NPCA).
- Existing shoreline hazard mapping for the County within LPRCA and GRCA jurisdictions was prepared in the late 1980s – early 1990s, while the mapping within the NPCA jurisdiction was updated in 2010.
- Since the completion of some of this work, provincial technical guidance has been updated (2001), and there have been legislative changes, including an updated Provincial Policy Statement (2014) under the Planning Act and new regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act.
- The purpose of this project was to update the Lake Erie shoreline flooding, erosion, and dynamic beach hazard mapping within Haldimand County to current mapping and technical standards.
- Current and consistent hazard mapping across conservation authority jurisdictions is needed to support land use planning and permitting decisions in at-risk communities such as Dunnville and Port Maitland and the numerous shoreline resort areas within the County, and to support flood and erosion-related response and mitigation planning.
- This was a technical study to update hazard mapping. Updates to conservation authority shoreline management plans or policies, Haldimand County’s Emergency Response Plan and Official Plan are outside the scope of this project.
- Haldimand County has 87 km of Lake Erie shoreline, spanning parts of the jurisdictions of three conservation authorities – Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA), and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).
- The lakeshore area is made up of both agricultural lands and residential developments along Lakeshore Road. There are designated tourist residential areas that consist of a mix of seasonal and year-round cottages, homes and businesses. Some of these include Peacock Point, Featherstone Point, Hoover Point, Evans Point and Mohawk Point.
- There are also many seasonal trailer parks and campgrounds within the lakeshore area. In addition to these privately owned facilities, there are several Provincial Parks, Conservation Areas and other public facilities such as Port Maitland where the Grand River spills into Lake Erie.
- Dunnville is a town of 12,000 people, located on the Grand River about 7 km upstream from Lake Erie. Portions of Dunnville are at sufficiently low elevations where they are subject to Lake Erie related flood impacts, in addition to riverine flooding.
- Two Public Education Centre had taken place throughout the course of the project
- The public meetings planned for this project served as the necessary public consultation process for revisions to regulated areas mapping under Ontario Regulations 150/06, 178/06 and 155/06 of the Conservation Authorities Act.
Note: The first Public Education Centre (PEC) was held on Saturday, September 15, 2018 at the Selkirk Centennial Community Centre. The second Public Education Centre was held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at the Selkirk Centennial Community Centre.
View the Project Information Posters shown at the first PEC (Sept 18, 2018)
View the Project Information Posters shown at the second PEC (Sept 21, 2019).
For additional information regarding this study or the Technical Report, please contact the Planning Department at 905-318-5932.