Haldimand County now offering full-day March Break camps

New this year, Haldimand County is offering full-day March Break camps for children aged 4-10. Camps will run from 8:30am to 4:30pm at a number of locations County-wide, with full-week and one-day attendance options.

The decision to offer full-day camps during March Break was made after a thorough analysis of recreation activity-related feedback from parents and caregivers. Comments received through all feedback channels indicated a need for programming that aligns with a typical work day.

The new, full day March Break programs are based upon the popular summer Camp HaldiFUN model. Kids will have the chance to participate in a number of fun activities/games and express their creativity through hands-on arts and crafts. The following March Break camp options will be offered:

Full week                                                                                                                    $110.75 per participant

Daily                                                                                                                            $23.00 per participant

Full week am (7:30 – 8:30am) or pm (4:30 – 5:30pm) care                          $25.00 per participant

Daily am (7:30 – 8:30am) or pm (4:30 – 5:30pm) care                                  $5.00 per participant

Camps will be offered at the Haldimand County Caledonia Centre, Grace United Church (Caledonia), Cayuga Memorial Arena, Amity Lodge (Dunnville), Hagersville Arena, and for the first time ever – the Jarvis Lawn Bowling Club.

Registration for the March Break programs opens February 1 and may be completed online at link.haldimandcounty.ca or any county office. More information about the County’s recreation program offerings is available at HaldimandCounty.ca and in the Community Guide.

Haldimand Museums Hosting Oral History Workshop With Broadcast TV Icon & Internationally Recognized Filmmaker

This February, Haldimand Museums will be welcoming internationally recognized filmmaker Graeme Bachiu and iconic CHCH-TV news anchor Connie Smith to present an oral history/interviewing workshop.

This special workshop, to be held at Edinburgh Square Heritage & Cultural Centre on Saturday, February 29 (1pm to 4pm), will cover the skills needed to film and interview subjects to preserve oral histories.

“In every family, stories are passed down from generation to generation, occasionally graining details with each telling,” said Anne Unyi, Haldimand County’s Supervisor of Heritage & Culture. “Preserving those stories through film & one-on-one interviews has become much easier with technological advancements, but using these technologies and knowing how to ask the right questions are skills a lot of us need help developing,” Unyi added.

In part one of the workshop, filmmaker Graeme Bachiu will teach participants the basic camera and interviewing skills they will need to collect and preserve oral histories. The Oral History Workshop will present both technical and practical hands-on approaches to conducting interviews. In the second half of the workshop, Graeme will collaborate with one of the best interviewers in the business – former CHCH-TV anchor Connie Smith – to teach a master class in interviewing.

Graeme Bachiu, an internationally recognized documentary filmmaker with over 25 years of film and TV experience. Graeme’s work has been shown on CTV, CBC, CHCH-TV, CNN and NBC and his documentary short films have been screened at film festivals around the world. Graeme has a deep interest in history and preserving stories of the past.

The workshop is available to anyone with an interest in undertaking an oral history project, learning basic principles of filmmaking or becoming a better interviewer. Cost for the program is $20.00 per person. Registration may be completed online at link.haldimandcounty.ca or in person at any Haldimand County office using program code 10459.

Haldimand County Council Approves 2020 Rate-Supported Budget

Haldimand County Council ratified the 2020 Rate-Supported Budget on January 28, 2020. Otherwise known as the Water & Wastewater Budget, it is an important strategic document that ensures reliable, safe, clean and affordable potable water is available to residents across the County.

This Rate-Supported Budget deals exclusively with water and wastewater treatment initiatives & is funded directly by user rates (with no support from property taxes). The Budget provides a 10 year financial plan to ensure that operations, capital replacements and new treatment facilities will be provided when required with no new debt incurred. For 2020, residential water & wastewater users will see a slight increase of about .60¢ (0.7%) on their average monthly bill. The new rates take effect February 1, 2020.

Haldimand’s water & wastewater rates remain below the provincial average due to ongoing strategic planning efforts, diligent asset management practices & the application of strong financial principles. In the long-term, rates are expected to remain stable due to a comprehensive, long-term infrastructure maintenance/rehabilitation schedule and a projected increase in user growth.

The County recognizes that provincial legislation has the ability to significantly impact municipal operations & associated costs. As such, senior staff will continue to monitor the political environment & lobby against changes that may impact the affordability of water rates in Ontario.

Council will next review the Tax-Supported Operating & Capital Budgets on the following dates:

Tax-Supported Capital Budget: March 5, 2020 & March 6, 2020* (*if required)
Cayuga Administration Building – Council Chambers
(45 Munsee St. N, Cayuga)

Tax-Supported Operating Budget: April 22, 2020 & April 23, 2020* (*if required)
New Haldimand County Administration Building – Council Chambers
(53 Thorburn St. S, Cayuga)

Budget deliberations begin at 9:30am and members of the public are welcome to attend or
watch live via HaldimandCounty.ca/livestream. More information about County budgets is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/financials.

New Haldimand County Administration Building opening February 25, 2020

Construction on Haldimand County’s new administration building is wrapping up and the building will be open to the public for service on February 25, 2020.

“The new administration building is a reflection of the County’s long-term, strategic focus on continued service excellence and efficient, transparent government. The building design is community-focused, cost-effective and well-equipped to lead our growing County into the future,” said Mayor Ken Hewitt.

Staff will be permanently relocated to the new administration building at 53 Thorburn St. S throughout February on the dates highlighted below.

Satellite OfficeRelocation details
Haldimand County Caledonia Centre administration offices
100 Haddington St., Caledonia
HCCC administration offices will close at 12pm on February 7, 2020
Dunnville Satellite Office
117 Forest St. E., Dunnville
The Dunnville Satellite Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Caledonia Satellite Office
282 Argyle St. S., Caledonia
The Caledonia Satellite Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Kohler Garage / Office
1162 Kohler Rd., Cayuga
The Kohler Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Hagersville Satellite Office
1 Main St. S., Hagersville
The Hagersville Satellite Office will close at 12pm on February 21, 2020
Cayuga Administration Building
45 Munsee St. N., Cayuga
The Cayuga Administration Building will close at 4:30pm on February 27, 2020.


‘myHaldimand’ or ‘myHC’ community hubs will soon be open for use at all local libraries. Dunnville, Caledonia & Hagersville hubs are now available for use and Selkirk, Cayuga & Jarvis hubs will be open shortly. ‘myHC’ community hubs are computer and information stations designed to connect residents with County news, information and access to online services. For residents who are not familiar with online services offered, such as paying taxes or water bills online, library staff will be available to provide guidance on how to utilize them. Additional 24/7 online services (such as applications for certain permits) will be introduced in the near future.

“The new building is a one stop shop. Under the new centralized service delivery model, there’s no longer a need to visit multiple offices for specific services, and many services can be accessed online,” Mayor Hewitt noted. “This is an exciting moment for Haldimand County and I look forward to welcoming and serving the community in this new space.”

Other key dates & information

  • All satellite offices, with the exception of the old Cayuga Administration Building (45 Munsee St. N., Cayuga), will be permanently closed as of Friday, February 21 at 12pm. Residents who require in-person service between Friday, February 21 at 12pm and Tuesday, February 25 at 8:30am may visit the old Cayuga Administration Building.
  • The first Council in Committee meeting in the new Haldimand County Administration Building is expected to be held on Tuesday, March 31.
  • Court will begin operating in the new building as of Wednesday, March 4.
  • Service enhancements that residents and contractors will experience immediately in the new administration building will be the provision of full day permit application intake, general inquires and building inspections (Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm). Inspection requests can be made by calling 905-318-5932 or emailing inspections@haldimandcounty.on.ca. As of February 25, building inspections received prior to 3:00 pm will be scheduled for the next business day.

Plans for the new building and centralized service delivery model have been in the development stages since their approval by Council in early 2016, with a focus on enhancing customer service, maximizing administrative/operational efficiencies and ensuring long-term cost effectiveness. More information about the new administration building, including a project timeline, is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/HCAB.

Flood Warning issued for Lake Erie shoreline, residents advised to avoid unnecessary travel

A Flood Warning has been issued for areas along the Lake Erie shoreline, along the Grand River downstream of Dunnville Dam & Port Maitland. Strong southwesterly winds gusting to near 100 km/h will develop suddenly early this evening as a sharp cold front blasts through, causing high waves and hazardous conditions.

This event is particularly a concern due to the snow currently falling and predicted, as well as the cold temperatures. Visibility could be an issue, as well as icy road conditions, plus ice buildup on homes/cottages along the lakeshore.

“Residents should stay indoors and not travel unless absolutely necessary during this winter storm event,” said Haldimand County Fire Chief & Manager of Emergency Services Jason Gallagher. Gallagher noted that the Port Maitland Pier has been closed and members of the public should stay clear of all shoreline areas. Haldimand County Emergency Services & Public Works Operations crews are standing by to implement road closures and respond as necessary.

The MNRF’s surge model forecast for the eastern end of Lake Erie is indicating a rise in levels of 2.34 metres (7.7 feet) above chart datum of 173.5 m IGLD85 at the gauge in Port Colborne. The peak above critical level is forecast to occur around midnight Sunday morning.


The MNRF forecast is predicting the following in the vicinity of Port Maitland:

Lake Erie current elevation at Port Maitland:        174.85 m (IGLD 1985)

Lake Erie estimated to peak at:                               175.84 m (IGLD 1985), excluding waves

Lake Erie Expected time of peak:                           Sunday, January 19 (midnight)

Critical Level:                                                            175.5 m (IGLD 1985)

Forecast (estimated) Peak Lake Level:                  0.34 m above the critical level, excluding waves

Area of Impact:                                                         Zone 2 flood zone along Lake Erie Shoreline

While some uncertainty remains in the height of the Lake Erie surge, forecasts indicate a risk for flooding along the Lake Erie shoreline and Grand River downstream of Dunnville Dam. Waves of up to 1.8 m are expected to accompany this surge event.

This flood message is in effect until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 19, 2020 and will be updated as needed.

Information related to flooding hazards and emergency preparedness – including 72-hour emergency kit preparation – is available at https://dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/floods.

Current road closures

– Port Maitland Pier & esplanade closed

2019 Uniquely Haldimand Photo Contest winners announced

On January 17, 2020 Haldimand County announced its 2019 Uniquely Haldimand Photo Contest winners.

A panel of judges comprised of County staff, community figures & a local photographer/filmmaker closely examined all submissions and determined the grand prize, second prize and honorable mention winners. The winners include:

In addition to contest prizes (gift cards for local culinary experiences), winning photographs will be displayed at the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre in late January.

Special thanks are owed to contest judges Graeme Bachiu (Windecker Road Films), Kaitlyn
Clark (The Haldimand Press), Yvonne Van De Wiele (92.9 The Grand FM), Karen Richardson (Haldimand County Museum & Archives) and Jane Andersen (Haldimand County Economic Development & Tourism) for their participation and thorough, thoughtful examination of all entries.

You can view past winners at HaldimandCounty.ca/photocontest. Details about this year’s photo contest will be announced in the Fall/Winter 2020-21 Community Guide and on the County website.

Flood Warning for Caledonia, Cayuga & Dunnville terminated

The Grand River Conservation Authority is issuing the following Flood Termination message. All Flood Warnings and Watches issued between January 9 and 13 are now terminated. A Watershed Conditions Statement: Water Safety remains in effect across the watershed through the remainder of the week due to higher than normal river flows.

River flows throughout the Grand River watershed continue to recede following the record rainfall event last weekend. A large amount of debris, including large trees and branches, has been swept into the river system during this event. In addition to the higher than normal flows and extremely cold water temperatures, this debris poses an additional hazard on local waterways.

GRCA’s major reservoirs helped mitigate flooding downstream in the Grand, Conestogo, and Speed River systems during this event, reducing downstream river flows by up to 60%. Water is now being released from these reservoirs, returning them to their normal operating levels for this time of year.

Stay Safe

The public is asked to stay away from all waterways due to the extreme risk at this time and reminded to exercise extreme caution around all water bodies. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery at this time and, when combined with current weather conditions, pose a serious hazard. Parents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from all watercourses.

This message will remain in effect until Sunday January 19, 2020.

Water levels receding, but river will remain high for remainder of week

The Flood Warning remains in effect for low-lying areas along the Grand River shoreline. The river has already peaked and is receding in Caledonia, Cayuga, York & Dunnville, however, the river will remain high for the remainder of the week.

Haldimand County Emergency Services will be closely monitoring river conditions and are prepared to respond as needed.

Current road closures:


– None at present.

Cayuga / York

– Ouse St. (between Baird St. and the dead end)

Dunnville / Port Maitland

– None at present.

Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from shoreline areas as fast moving water and slippery riverbeds can be extremely hazardous.

Flooding update for Caledonia, Cayuga & Dunnville

The Flood Warning remains in effect for low-lying areas along the Grand River shoreline. The river has already peaked and is receding in Caledonia and York, however, the river in Cayuga is rising steadily as water moves downstream. The river is expected to peak in Cayuga at midnight on Monday and Tuesday morning in Dunnville. Residents along the Grand River shoreline in Cayuga and Dunnville should continue preparing for a flood event.

The following flood messages remain in effect Cayuga & Dunnville:

Grand River (Cayuga)

Flows in the Grand River through Cayuga are expected to peak in the 1270 cm/s range around midnight on Monday. Flows are expected to exceed those experienced during the June 2017 flood event. Haldimand County Emergency Services have closed River Drive, Sims Lock Road, Grand Sports Drive and a number of other roads in the area. Conway Park has been notified and this area will be closely monitored.

Grand River (Dunnville)

Flows in the Grand River through Dunnville are expected to peak in the 1280 cm/s range on Tuesday morning. Flows are expected to exceed those experienced during the June 2017 flood event. Residents along the east bank of the Grand River on Main Street, upstream of the Dunnville dam should prepare for a flood event.

“Residents in these areas should continue preparing their property for a flood – securing items like patio furniture, moving valuable items from lower floors, making sure their sump pumps are working & other measures,” said Jason Gallagher, Haldimand County’s manager of Emergency Services and fire chief. He noted that a flood guide for property owners and other preparedness resources are available at HaldimandCounty.ca/floods.

Haldimand County Emergency Services will be closely monitoring river conditions and are prepared to respond as needed. Haldimand County public works staff will be implementing road closures as required throughout the event.

Current road closures:


– Forfar St. E.

Cayuga / York

– Ouse St. at Chippewa St.
– Grand Sports Dr. at Highway 54
– Sims Locks Rd. at Highway 54
– Abbey Rd.
– River Dr. at Highway 54
– River Rd. between Sutor Rd. and South Cayuga Rd.

Dunnville / Port Maitland

– None at present.

Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from shoreline areas as fast moving water and slippery riverbeds can be extremely hazardous. Property owners are encouraged to contact their insurance company about flood insurance if they do not already have it. Residents should pay close attention to changing river conditions and watch for updated flood messages.

Flooding expected along Grand River shoreline, residents in low-lying areas encouraged to prepare

The Flood Warning remains in effect for low-lying areas along the Grand River shoreline. Flows in the southern Grand River watershed will continue to increase and result in significant flooding in some areas before receding next week. Residents in low-lying areas along the Grand River shoreline, including Caledonia, Cayuga and Dunnville are encouraged to prepare for a flood event.

The following flood updates have been issued for Caledonia, Cayuga & Dunnville:

Grand River (Caledonia)

Flows in the Grand River through Caledonia are expected to peak in the 1150 cm/s range on Monday morning. Flows are expected to exceed those experienced during the June 2017 flood event. Haldimand County Emergency Services will be closely monitoring conditions near the old arena and fairgrounds along the east bank of the river.

Grand River (Cayuga)

Flows in the Grand River through Cayuga are expected to peak in the 1270 cm/s range around midnight on Monday. Flows are expected to exceed those experienced during the June 2017 flood event. Haldimand County Emergency Services will be preparing for the closure of River Drive, Sims Lock Road, Grand Sports Drive. Conway Park will be notified and this area will be closely monitored.

Grand River (Dunnville)

Flows in the Grand River through Dunnville are expected to peak in the 1280 cm/s range on Tuesday morning. Flows are expected to exceed those experienced during the June 2017 flood event. Residents along the east bank of the Grand River on Main Street, upstream of the Dunnville dam should prepare for a flood event.


“Residents in these areas should start preparing their property for a flood – securing items like patio furniture, moving valuable items from lower floors, making sure their sump pumps are working & other measures,” said Jason Gallagher, Haldimand County’s manager of Emergency Services and fire chief. He noted that a flood guide for property owners and other preparedness resources are available at HaldimandCounty.ca/floods.

Haldimand County Emergency Services will be closely monitoring river conditions and are prepared to respond as needed. Haldimand County public works staff will be implementing road closures as required throughout the event.

Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from shoreline areas as fast moving water and slippery riverbeds can be extremely hazardous. Property owners are encouraged to contact their insurance company about flood insurance if they do not already have it. Residents should pay close attention to changing river conditions and watch for updated flood messages.