Craig Manley
Chief Administrative Officer
The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer plays an essential role in the operation of Haldimand County. As the most senior staff person within the County, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO):
- Reports to County Council
- Provides advice to Council
- Ensures the direction of Council is implemented
All departments within the County report directly to the CAO and overall management of the administration and affairs of the County rests within the office of the CAO, in accordance with policies approved by Council.
We invite you to have a look at the Term of Council Corporate Priorities.
Craig Manley
Message from the Chief Administrative Officer
Our municipal foundations are built on the values of our community. To guide our decisions and actions, we have established 3 Key Corporate Pillars:
1. Growing our Local Economy by Creating Economic Opportunity
Making expenditures and taking action to support the strengthening of the economic base of the County. Examples of this are new infrastructure investment to allow growth; urban re-development which will generate assessment growth, programs to retain and/or expand existing business and industry, tourism enhancement.
2. Community Vibrancy & Healthy Community
Investing in high quality, sustainable services that promote the well being of communities and contribute to the betterment of the quality of our natural environment or the health of residents.
3. Corporate Image & Efficient Government
Making change and investments that will result in visible, positive image for the County by providing more accessible, efficient or more cost-effective local government for our residents.
Further, we have instituted Way of Work standards which are guidelines for how the Corporation is to conduct its business functions and especially, how staff will conduct the business of the County. Our Way of Work is based upon:
Customer Service – Making the relationship with our citizens our priority and emphasis.
Proactive Communication – Anticipating the needs of our customers and providing timely and accurate information.
Trust, Respect, Integrity and Humanity – Treating people fairly and equally and celebrating achievement.
Teamwork / Collaboration Across Service Areas – Internal interactions that are oriented toward common goals, shared interests and helping each other.
Community Engagement / Partnerships – Engaging staff and stakeholders with real opportunities to be involved in shaping the decisions that affect them.