
The Legal & Support Services Division is responsible for disposing of land that has been declared surplus by Haldimand County Council.  All surplus property is to be appraised and sold at fair market value.  All listings represent County-owned property only.  All information on the properties is approximate.  Failure to include information by Haldimand County on properties does not constitute misrepresentation.

Listings are for information purposes only and are not considered a formal process of disposal.  Specific requirements, such as the passing of a bylaw, may be required prior to the disposition of properties.

Please refer to the County-Owned Property – Request to Purchase process for further information.  Any questions can be directed to the following:

Property Coordinator, Legal & Support Services
53 Thorburn St.
Cayuga, ON N0A 1G0
Phone: (905) 318-5932 ext. 6124

Please note that there are no surplus properties available at this time.

Application for Permanent Public Highway Closure

Application for Permanent Public Highway Closure

Unsolicited Offer to Purchase County Property Application

Unsolicited Offer to Purchase County Property Application

Application for Encroachment Agreement

Application for Encroachment Agreement