
What’s better than cooling off at your neighbourhood pool or splash pad on a hot summer’s day? Pools are located in Caledonia, Dunnville and Hagersville for residents of all ages to enjoy.

See below for information on locations, lessons, aquatic programs and rentals:

Swim Lesson Registration – Coming May 2022

Swim for Life (What to Register for)/Report Cards

Rental Information

Caledonia Lions Pool & Splash Pad

25 Caithness Street W.
Caledonia, Ontario
Canada, N3W 1B7

(905) 765-2676

Caledonia Lions Pool

Dunneville Pool

Dunnville Lions Pool (25 m)

640 Lock Street W.
Dunnville, Ontario
Canada, N1A 1K1

(905) 774-7165

Dunnville Lions Pool

Dunnville Kinsmen Wading Pool

200 Cedar Street
Dunnville, Ontario
Canada, N1A 1K1

Dunnville Kinsmen Wading Pool

Haggersville Pool

Hagersville Lions Pool (25 m) & Splash Pad

13 Laidlaw Street
Hagersville, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1H0

(905) 768-1730

Hagersville Lions Pool

Caledonia Lions Pool – Non-Resident Admission Fees

For more information contact: 905-318-5932 or cdp@haldimandcounty.on.ca

Non-Residents FAQ:

Residents FAQ:

Who is a Non-Resident?

A Non-Resident is anyone that does not live or own property in Haldimand County.

Are all Haldimand County Pools charging Non-Resident swim fees?

The Non-Resident swim fee will only be in effect at the Caledonia Lions Pool

What is the cost for Non-Residents to swim?

Non-Residents will be charged a $5.00 per person admission fee for recreational swims.

How can I pay?

Non-Residents can pay with Debit, VISA or MasterCard.


What if I have visitors that are not from Haldimand County that I want to bring with me?

Haldimand County Residents are welcome to bring visitors swimming at no charge using their wristband.

How will Pool Staff know if I am a Resident?

A Haldimand County Resident is anyone that lives or owns property in Haldimand County. Proof of residency can be any identification with your address or a piece of mail with your address on it.

How do I obtain my wristband?

Wristbands will be provided free of charge and can be picked up at the Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, or Hagersville Haldimand County Offices from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30p.m. Monday -Friday. They will also be available at the Caledonia Lions Pool. Wristbands will be distributed to Residents during promotional events.

Can everyone in my family get a wristband?

Each family will receive one wristband to share. Haldimand County encourages parents to attend public swims with their children.

What happens if I lose my wristband?

Proof of residency will need to be provided to receive a replacement wristband.