Haldimand County Launches Digital Service Squad To Help Small Businesses With eCommerce, Pandemic Recovery

Haldimand County has received a $94,000 grant from Digital Main Street Ontario for a Digital Service Squad (DSS) to help small main street businesses in the region use digital technologies to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Grand Erie Business Centre is supporting this grant through in-kind administrative support in excess of $12,000.  Funding for the grant is provided by FedDev Ontario. The Squad will be available to assist businesses in communities across Haldimand County, including Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, Hagersville, Selkirk, and Jarvis.

Established in 2018, Digital Main Street Ontario was recently extended thanks to an investment of $42.5 million from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) and $7.45 million from the Ministry for Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT). The almost $50-million investment will help small businesses across Ontario pivot their operations to include online business models, regain lost revenue and become more resilient and competitive as the economy recovers. The Ontario BIA Association administers the DMS grant program to Ontario’s main street small businesses.

Digital Service Squads are fundamental to Digital Main Street’s design and success, with trained specialists who meet with small businesses, at no cost, to help them improve their online presence. The squads assist with a number of activities, including developing a Google ‘My Business’ profile, enhancing businesses’ social media presence and providing support for basic website and e-commerce set-up. Squads will also assist qualified small businesses through the application process for a $2,500 Digital Transformation Grant, which includes an online assessment, online training modules and the development of a Digital Transformation Plan (DTP).

For more information on registration and how to be connected with a specialist from the Digital Service Squad, contact the Economic Development and Tourism Division at 905-318-5932 or email opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca. Digital Service Specialists will be offering one on one meetings with businesses to review current technology and to provide guidance and support in improving their online presence. To learn more about the program, visit BusinessHaldimand.ca. The Digital Main street program will run until February 29, 2021.



“Ontario’s small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and the keystone of our economic recovery. That is why we have invested in Digital Main Street to help these enterprises adapt to doing business in a digital world, and take advantage of the record number of people shopping online. Congratulations to Haldimand County on the launch of your Digital Service Squad. The work you’re doing with small businesses in your community will help keep our main streets vibrant, support good, local jobs and help our economy come back strong.”

– The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

“The COVID-19 pandemic hit Ontario’s main streets hard, so Digital Main Street is needed more than ever. We know that businesses that participated in Digital Main Street last year were better able to cope when the pandemic hit, and we’re excited that FedDev Ontario and MEDJCT are providing the funding to extend this important program to help small main street business like those across Haldimand County.”

– Kay Matthews, Executive Director of OBIAA

“This funding will provide the ability for Haldimand County to hire four digital service specialists to provide hands-on assistance to help our businesses improve their digital presence. It is vital that small businesses are keeping up with technology, especially in this landscape. Haldimand County is thrilled to be able to provide this service for our local business owners.”

– Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt


ABOUT Haldimand County

Haldimand County is a single-tier municipality established in 2001. Located within Ontario’s most populous region the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Haldimand County gives you the time and the space to connect in ways you can’t anywhere else. Effortlessly blending natural landscapes, farms and small town charm with emerging suburban development and nearby cities, Haldimand is community of communities. At close to 1300 square kilometers the space that separates us is also what we share; room to grow and the support that turns potential into something more. Haldimand has a population of approximately 46,000 residents (2016 census). The County is home to several charming small towns and hamlets, each with unique attractions, quaint shops, and fascinating cultural and historic sites. The Grand River’s history, cultural value and uniqueness are recognized with its designation as a Canadian Heritage River and Lake Erie’s beautiful shoreline provide both a laid back lifestyle and perfect environment for water activities of all types.  With our extensive history in farming, agriculture along with manufacturing and tourism remain our top three sectors.


Grand Erie Business Centre (GEBC) is a private non-profit business development corporation that has been serving Haldimand County and the Township of West Lincoln since 1989.  We provide financing, consultation, support and advice to small businesses within this area.

GEBC is one of 269 Community Futures Development Corporations across the country.  Community Futures is a not-for-profit corporation with a volunteer Board of Directors.  Grand Erie Business Centre currently receives 100% of our operational funding from FedDev Ontario (the Federal Economic Development Agency of Southern Ontario).

Our mandate is to partner with local businesses and organizations in Haldimand County and the Township of West Lincoln to facilitate community economic growth.  We measure our success by the number of jobs that are created and maintained through the businesses and projects that we support.  GEBC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of successful business people and professionals from throughout Haldimand County and the Township of West Lincoln.


OBIAA is the network that represents unique and vibrant BIAs across Ontario. The Association supports and advocates on behalf of its members through the building and nurturing of strong relationships and partnerships. OBIAA is a leader in the development and sharing of information, tools, resources and best practices, and is the ONE voice on common issues.

ABOUT Digital Main Street

Digital Main Street is an innovative program designed to help main street small businesses achieve digital transformation. The program is built around an online learning platform, structured training programs, grants and Digital Service Squads teams of street-level experts that help main street small businesses manage and grow their operations through technology adoption. The program was originally created in 2016 by the Toronto Association of BIAs (TABIA) and a group of strategic partners including Google, MasterCard, Microsoft, and Shopify. For more information, please visit digitalmainstreet.ca

ABOUT Digital Main Street Ontario

Digital Main Street was expanded across all of Ontario in 2018 with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through the $38 million Main Street Revitalization Initiative. It has been further extended through a funding from FedDev Ontario and MEDJCT. The new round of funding includes $42.5 million from the Government of Canada’s Regional Relief and Recovery Fund, a national recovery initiative delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies. With $7.45 million from MEDJCT, this combined federal and provincial project will strengthen Ontario’s economic capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration, and will promote the development of a strong and diversified Ontario economy. For more information, please visit digitalmainstreet.ca/ontariogrants.


Haldimand County Tourism Launches New Marketing Campaign With Support From Fed Dev Ontario Regional Relief And Recovery Fund

In early June, Haldimand County was successful in its application for the FedDev Ontario Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF). The County has received a grant to be used for tourism marketing. The funding was available to Destination Marketing Organizations across Ontario to help promote tourism which has experienced significant impacts since the start of the pandemic.

As part of this funding, Haldimand County’s Economic and Development and Tourism division has been hard at work debuting a new ‘Real. Local.’ advertising campaign. The campaign features a new graphic that helps to promote a unified marketing message through print media, social media, and radio campaigns that is inclusive of all Haldimand County businesses.

“Our hope is that by including this graphic into our marketing campaigns, it will bring together all Haldimand County businesses as a cohesive group, promoting to locals and neighbours that Haldimand businesses are open,” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism. “It is important we are all supporting one another, and promoting Haldimand County as a whole”.

The goal of the marketing initiative is to reignite the local economy and showcase all of the amazing businesses and unique experiences that exist in Haldimand County. The County’s Economic Development Division has published two print campaigns thus far highlighting local food and unique retail experiences, and have created interactive web pages with the same information at www.tourismhaldimand.ca.

In addition, local social media and radio campaigns have been launched to encourage residents to shop locally. As re-opening plans continue, and we are ready to welcome visitors back, the campaign will eventually expand to include more urban areas in southern Ontario.

Local business owners are welcome and encouraged to utilize the ‘Real. Haldimand. Local.’ graphic and incorporate it into their own marketing. Local business owners can download this graphic from www.businesshaldimand.ca.

For more information on FedDev Ontario, visit the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund website.

Haldimand County conducting COVID-19 business impacts survey

Over the last month, Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division has been reaching out to businesses across the county to collect key information on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted businesses locally.

The division has developed a 10-15 minute survey for businesses. The information collected will be used to track the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on Haldimand County businesses, and to understand how the County can offer additional assistance to local businesses.

“This is new territory for all of us and Haldimand County wants to understand how we can help businesses during these unprecedented times,” said Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism. “It is important businesses are heard, and that we are implementing tools and resources that will help our community directly.”

The Haldimand County Economic Development and Tourism Division has contacted over 850 local businesses, completed 151 surveys, and has provided follow up information and resources to 91 businesses. Staff are currently in the process of compiling and analyzing the data collected to develop a wrap-up report.

Business owners who have not yet completed this survey may access it online. Business owners/operators may also contact the Economic Development and Tourism by phone at 905-318-5932 or e-mail at opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca. Staff are encouraging business owners to submit surveys by August 21, 2020.


Haldimand County reminds residents and business owners of COVID-19 information portal, key contacts

In recognition of the rapidly changing rules relating to business operations and public spaces during the COVID-19 emergency and to assist the community in obtaining important information, Haldimand County is reminding community stakeholders where to obtain the most accurate, up-to-date COVID-19 information and who to contact for specific enquiries and guidance.

The County’s COVID-19 information web page – HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19 provides detailed local information, key contacts and links to helpful resources from provincial and federal healthcare authorities.

Information & key contacts for business owners

Business owners who have questions about the Province’s list of essential services and if/how their business can operate during the pandemic will find a number of helpful links at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19 under the ‘Resources for Business’ tab. Links to the Province’s list of essential services and safety guidelines for business operations (by sector) are among the resources provided. Business owners with specific questions are encouraged to contact:

Province of Ontario’s Business Information Hotline – 1-888-444-3659
Help is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday 8:30 a.m. –
5:00 p.m.

Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Environmental Health Team Hotline
For COVID-19 inquiries related to or regarding food premises, migrant farms, special events, personal
service settings, child care centers or workplaces (non-healthcare setting), you may also call the
HNHU’s Environmental Health Team Hotline at 519-426-6128 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Information & key contacts for community members

Residents who have questions about municipal services, including facility/amenity closures, use of parks and trails, program cancellations, etc. will find current information at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19. A number of resources including stay-at-home activities, employment assistance and supports for housebound individuals (e.g. food or essential item delivery) are also available on this page. Residents with public health-related questions are encouraged to contact:

Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit COVID-19 Hotline
     For general enquiries regarding COVID-19, please call the HNHU’s COVID-19 Hotline at 519-426-
6170 ext. 9999. Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Residents with questions related to municipal services, facilities/amenities are encouraged to contact:

Haldimand County customer service
     For general enquiries regarding municipal services, facilities/amenities, programs or related
matters, contact Haldimand County at 905-318-5932 or info@haldimandcounty.on.ca Mon-Fri, 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Haldimand County Scales Back Workforce In Response To COVID-19

In response to extended closures and the suspension of non-essential services by the Province of Ontario, Haldimand County has made the difficult decision to temporarily put a number of casual, part-time and full time employees affected by service and facility closures on a Declared Emergency Leave of Absence.

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 Emergency the County has closed all public libraries, parks and recreation facilities, museums, community halls and has reduced other services to promote social distancing.

“We have wonderful and committed  employees who care very much about their community,” said Craig Manley, Haldimand County’s Chief Administrative Officer. “This is an action we had hoped we would not have to take but unfortunately one we needed to as COVID-19 continues to affect our community and some of the services we’re able to deliver.”

The emergency leave affects approximately 107 employees who deliver recreation programs, library & cultural services, economic development services, some facilities maintenance staff, some administrative support functions, part-time staff and others. Essential and critical services relating to roads operations, water and wastewater services, garbage and recycling, critical maintenance and repair, by-law and permits, emergency services, Grandview Lodge and essential supporting functions continue to be provided.

Some functions such as building maintenance and outside park maintenance will continue on a limited basis and will be restricted to essential minimum levels until the emergency is over. Where possible, staff have been redeployed to other functions to respond to the COVID-19 emergency.

The County is supporting staff affected by the temporary emergency leave including continuing eligible benefits, ensuring they have the resources they need to access government support services including the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, and/or employment insurance benefits.

The County has been taking a tiered approach in its response to COVID-19, which includes evaluating the implications of Provincial Emergency Orders and information provided by Health Officials in terms of the likely duration of the emergency. Like other municipalities facing extended closures and cancellations, the County is adapting to ensure the safety of its workforce and the continued delivery of critical community services.

“The County will continue to provide the critical and essential services our community relies on every day as we continue responding to this unprecedented situation,” noted Manley.

“The decision to reduce our staffing levels was an extremely challenging one. We’ve made extended efforts to keep all staff at work for as long as possible, but under these extraordinary circumstances, have had to make some difficult decisions that are in line with a new economic reality. Our commitment to providing high quality services to the community remains unchanged in this emergency, and I look forward to welcoming staff back once COVID-19 is no longer a threat to public health & safety,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

Haldimand County Economic Development & Tourism division offering support, resources to Local businesses affected by COVID-19

Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the local economy, and it’s safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your business. We know that for business this is a difficult time, the information you need to run your business changes rapidly, and it can be hard to keep track and make sense of it all. Local businesses are facing immediate challenges, or closures, and are worrying about how the situation will continue to evolve. During these critical times, it’s important to slow down, be thoughtful and proceed with a plan that is going to stabilize your business in the long-term. Amid this uncertainty, we want to be clear. We are here to support you.

“Business owners are having to navigate a very uncertain future right now and it’s not a one size fits all impact on local business,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt. “As efforts ramp up to keep COVID-19 from spreading, industry works to achieve business continuity while focusing on the health and safety of their employees. It’s no simple task.  As we collectively work through this challenging period together, we would like to emphasize that the Economic Development and Tourism Division in Haldimand County continue to be available via phone and email to discuss how ongoing Provincial and Federal announcements may apply to your individual business situation.”

In order to relieve some of the pressure on small businesses, we are gathering the information you need about government services and support in Ontario and putting them in one convenient location. Information is updated daily on the BusinessHaldimand.ca Covid-19 Business Information & Resources page, and is aimed at highlighting resources that may apply to businesses and key sectors in our community. Additionally the Economic Development & Tourism Newsletter, provides key updates direct to your inbox, to sign up visit dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/economic-development-news/.

Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism Division continues to work collaboratively with industry associations, provincial governments, and local businesses to provide input, inform discussions and collect information that can assist business owners in rural communities through these difficult times.  We are calling on all local businesses to provide us insights into how the situation has directly impacted your operations. The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BFZT9P7 and its responses will be used to detail the impacts that COVID-19 is having on our local business community. The survey will continue to be circulated every few weeks to gain insight into the longer-term impacts.

Even during these challenging times, local businesses in Haldimand County are continually showing their resilience. Finding ways to support those in need in our communities, re-tooling to produce much needed supplies, and engaging their customers in new and innovative ways. If your business is one of those companies that has been able to introduce modifications to your operations that keep you safely open, a new product/service you have created to continue operating your business, or your operation is helping support the needs of the medical community, we want to hear from you. Send your good news to opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca so we can share the good work you are doing with our community.

For those who live in our community, we encourage you to consider ways to support our local small businesses, purchase products online, share their special offers, and help them boost their online reach. Remember to stay home, wash your hands and support local whenever you can!

Economic Development and Tourism staff are available to provide you with ongoing support, advice and resources – contact us by phone 905-318-5932 or email opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Haldimand County Council acts to reduce charges during public health emergency

The COVID-19 emergency and the unprecedented efforts of all levels of government, businesses and citizens to respond to it are having real impacts on Haldimand County residents and businesses in terms of income, employment, quality of life and convenience. In an effort to reduce the financial burden and inconvenience imposed on Haldimand residents and businesses as a result of implementing the directions of public health officials to try to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Haldimand County has put in place measures to mitigate service fees and charges.

Effective immediately and on a go forward basis, Haldimand County Council has directed that for those unable to meet the March 31 and May 29 tax installment deadlines, the County will waive the penalty charge associated with late payment.  As such citizens and businesses have increased flexibility to defer the payment of property taxes until August 1, 2020 without penalty.


Statement from the Mayor & Council – March 19, 2020

In these unprecedented times people come together, governments come together, countries come together. The efforts that have been seen from leaders, from the business community, to the countless donations and help from the very many unselfish people around us is a true testament that when pushed, we roll up our sleeves and find ways to help each other back to the lives we all deserve to enjoy.

COVID-19 is having a real impact on the lives of Canadians beyond health related matters.  It is affecting incomes, employment and quality of life.  In response we are seeing higher level governments putting together substantial monetary packages to help lessen the burden on citizens and businesses that are following the advice of health officials.  We eagerly await announcements on how that money will reach those in need. The long-term economic and social impacts that COVID-19 will have on our daily lives is still difficult to determine, however, all financial supports announced to date have been to only address the immediate massive hole in our local economies. I have never seen governments move as fast as they have in the past two weeks and in such a non-partisan fashion to ensure necessary supports will be provided.

In an effort to play an active role in helping our County citizens and business that are facing  economic challenges given these unprecedented circumstances, Council and I have directed staff to waive the interest costs and any fees attached to the next two property tax instalments, March 31 and May 29.  Haldimand County property owners can pay their taxes at their own discretion up until August 1st without penalty.  We hope that this will provide you with the flexibility to manage your day to day to finances and afford you the time you may require.

In Haldimand, we will soon be finalizing our tax-supported operating budget. Council has directed staff to carefully review the 2020 budget so that is sensitive and responsive to these strange times we are living in.  Over the past several years, staff have worked diligently to ensure our financial position is strong and ready for unforeseen challenges. For this reason, we are ready to respond.

I want to assure you that both staff and Council have been working to protect your interests, to ensure that the quality services you are accustomed to continue, and that our frontline EMS staff are fully equipped with all the resources needed to meet your needs.

I would like to take this time to acknowledge those within the Haldimand-Norfolk Health & Social Services, the H-N Health Unit and our first responders for their leadership in helping Council manage our response to the COVID-19 virus. On behalf of the County and Council, we sincerely thank you for being there in times of need, never more so demonstrated than today.


Mayor Ken Hewitt

Haldimand County Council

Stewart Patterson

John Metcalfe

Dan Lawrence

Tony Dalimonte

Rob Shirton

Bernie Corbett


Haldimand County announces closure of administration building, additional COVID-19 response measures

In an effort to minimize the spread of COVID19 and to protect County staff and the public, the Haldimand County Administration Building will be closed for in-person service until further notice as of March 18, 2020. While there are currently NO reported cases of COVID19 in Haldimand, the County – in partnership with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and in alignment with Federal and Provincial actions – is taking a proactive approach to ‘flattening the curve’.

While the Haldimand County Administration Building is closed to the public, staff will continue to be available to assist residents by phone or email during regular hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm). Alternate municipal service options are available that do not require in-person visits. Residents are encouraged to contact the County at 905-318-5932 or info@haldimandcounty.on.ca with all enquiries. A list of alternate service options is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/.

“We’re working closely with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and taking all steps necessary to prevent COVID-19 from becoming an issue in the community. It’s extremely important that we remain calm, follow directions from healthcare authorities and support one another during this time. The main goal right now is to prevent community spread, and the best way to do that is to stay home. There are over 20,000 vulnerable people over the age of 70 in Haldimand & Norfolk counties and we have a shared duty to protect them,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

“In this light, following recommendations from the Province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, we have made some adjustments to day-to-day operations to protect staff and residents, while still providing essential services to the community,” Hewitt added. “Council recognizes that there will be economic hardships associated with the unfolding of the COVID-19 situation and we will do everything in our power to provide assistance to local businesses & residents. As we approach the operating budget and apply any County financial policies during this pandemic, we’ll look at all options possible to lessen economic impacts and provide support.”

Updates related to COVID19 will be shared by Haldimand County and its healthcare partners as it becomes available. Residents are encouraged to educate themselves about COVID19 & follow the Health Unit’s recommendations to help prevent the spread of viruses:

  • if you develop symptoms of illness that you think are related to COVID-19, contact your primary care provider or call the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Hotline at 519-426-6170 ext. 9999 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm). Your primary care provider or Health Unit staff will provide guidance and, if necessary, arrange for screening in coordination with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. Unless your situation is critical, please do not visit the emergency department.
  • stay home if possible
  • wash your hands often with soap and water;
  • avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • if you have to leave the house for an essential activity (e.g: to acquire food/necessary supplies) try to stay at least 6 feet away from others
  • cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm;
  • avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth to prevent illness;
  • clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Residents looking to stay informed regarding the COVID19 pandemic can do so by logging onto the HaldimandNorfolk Health Unit website. A page (https://hnhu.org/healthtopic/coronavirus
) has been specifically dedicated to the virus and includes material on who is at risk, how to protect your family, what to do if you feel ill, and what precautions to take if you’ve travelled outside of Canada. The site also contains key contact information and links to updates on the current situation at the global, national and provincial level.

All Haldimand County facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid19/ & will be updated regularly.

Provincial Offences Court Suspended Until April 3

The Ontario Courts of Justice and the Ministry of the Attorney General have announced the suspension of all Provincial Offences Act (POA) court matters until Friday, April 3, 2020 amid COVID-19 concerns. Provincial Offences Act matters scheduled between Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3, 2020 will be adjourned. Parties and witnesses do not need to attend court. Notice of new court dates will be sent by mail to addresses on file with the court.

At this time, Haldimand County’s POA administration office – located within the new Haldimand County Administration Building – will remain open for enquiries, however, members of the public are asked to refrain from visiting if they have symptoms of illness. Anyone who requires POA-related assistance may also contact poa@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call 905-772-3327 to speak with staff.

Updates related to COVID-19 will be shared by Haldimand County and its healthcare partners as it becomes available. Residents are encouraged to educate themselves about COVID-19 & follow the Health Unit’s recommendations to help prevent the spread of viruses:

– wash your hands often with soap and water;

– avoid close contact with people who are sick;

– cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm;

– avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth to prevent illness;

– clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Residents looking to stay informed regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can do so by logging onto the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit website. A page (https://hnhu.org/health-topic/coronavirus-covid-19/) has been specifically dedicated to the virus and includes material on who is at risk, how to protect your family, what to do if you feel ill, and what precautions to take if you’ve travelled outside of Canada. The site also contains key contact information and links to updates on the current situation at the global, national and provincial level.

All Haldimand County facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/ & will be updated regularly.

Last Call For Nominations – Haldimand County Business Excellence Awards

Haldimand County’s Business Excellence Awards are held annually to recognize exceptional local businesses. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, February 14, 2020, and residents are encouraged to submit their nomination packages in full prior to this date.

The winners of the 2019 Business Excellence Awards will be announced at the annual Business Excellence Awards Breakfast. The breakfast event will be held on Wednesday, April 8 at the Fisherville Community Centre beginning at 7:30 am. Winners will be announced in each of the following categories:

  • Agri-business
  • Business – over 10 employees
  • Business – 10 employees and under
  • Not-for-profit
  • Tourism
  • NEW – Real Potential Award – Recognizes outstanding young entrepreneurs and new businesses that have been in business for under 3 years. Sponsored by the Grand Erie Business Centre.

“The Business Excellence Awards are a great opportunity to come together, network and celebrate Haldimand County businesses,” explained Lidy Romanuk, Manager of Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism Division.

Nomination forms can be found at BusinessHaldimand.ca and submitted online or in-person at any County office.

All business owners and business organizations across Haldimand are invited to attend the Business Excellence Awards Breakfast. There is no cost to attend, but attendees are required to RSVP. Members of the business community interested in attending may RSVP online at BusinessHaldimand.ca, by calling 905-318-5932 ext. 6331 or by e-mailing opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca.