Haldimand County Public Library now offering curbside pickup service

Over the past few weeks, Haldimand County Public Library has been working to finalize its curbside pickup service delivery model. As of June 4, residents may borrow books and other media by placing a hold through the library’s online catalogue and scheduling a curbside pickup appointment.

Reserving/requesting materials:

To borrow library items (including books, CDs & DVDs), residents may browse the library’s online catalogue as usual and place ‘holds’ on desired items. Residents may also call their library branch to place holds over the phone.

Picking up materials:

Once holds are placed on materials online or over the phone, staff will gather reserved items, place them in paper bags, and call the borrower to schedule a curbside pickup appointment. Borrowers will be provided a 30-minute timeslot to pick up materials from a numbered bin placed outside of the library branch. On pickup day, borrowers simply need to arrive and collect their materials from the numbered bin assigned to them.

Returning materials:

Individuals may return borrowed materials in their numbered bin when they arrive to pick up new items, or through the exterior drop boxes (24/7). Returned items are quarantined for a minimum of three days and subsequently processed using safe handling practices prior to next use.

Some limits on the number of appointment bookings per member will apply during the launch of this service. To ensure social distancing, participants are asked to approach bin areas only once vacated by other individuals.

For more information on library services during the pandemic, visit the Library’s website, e-mail library@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call your local branch.

Dunnville Farmers Market opening for curbside pickup May 30

The Dunnville Farmers Market’s Executive Board of Directors, in consultation with County and Health Unit officials, has developed a 2-phase approach for re-opening the market. A number of public health and safety protocols have been established to ensure the safety of vendors and the community, and as of May 30, the market will open for curbside pickup service on Saturdays only.

Placing an order for curbside pickup

During phase 1, customers will be able to place orders online via www.dunnvillefarmersmarket.ca between Monday morning at 8am and Thursday evening at 5pm. Vendors will follow-up with customers who have placed orders by Friday to confirm their order and provide their designated pickup time.

Picking up an order

On pickup day (Saturday), customers will be required to pull up to the main doorway to receive parking instructions. Once they have parked as directed, pre-paid customers will be asked to open their trunk or back door, and the vendor will deposit the goods in their vehicle. Walk-up customers are asked to visit the main doorway for pickup while keeping 2m apart from others.


Customers who wish to pay cash or use electronic point-of-pay at the time of pickup (e.g. debit) will be able to do so. Customers paying cash will need to have exact change ready in an envelope with the vendor’s name on it. Vendors will not be making change.

In between all interactions, vendors will be performing strict sanitization processes that align with provincial public health guidelines.

“Food safety has always been a top priority for us and it is even more so now in light of the current pandemic,” said James Richardson, President of the Dunnville Farmers Market Executive Board of Directors. “I appreciate the dedication of all executive members that have worked hard to develop our re-opening plan, as well as the guidance provided by Haldimand County and the Health Unit. We’ll continue working to provide safe access to healthy, local foods and look forward to seeing our loyal customers once again,” Richardson added.

Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt continues to urge the community to support local businesses. “I am thrilled to hear that the Farmers Market is re-opening and it is very welcome news for many,” Hewitt said. “I’m proud of the local business community’s response to these challenging circumstances and encourage everyone to keep supporting our farmers and independent businesses who are the backbone of our local economy.”

For the further information about the Dunnville Farmers Market’s new operating procedures and curbside pickup service, visit the Dunnville Farmers Market website.

For the most up-to-date local information about COVID-19, including facility closures and municipal service options, visit HaldimandCounty.ca/COVID-19 or follow the County on Facebook/Twitter. These channels are frequently updated with announcements regarding closures, re-openings and other important COVID-19 news.

For current public health information, visit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit website.

Haldimand County Public Library Finalizing Plans For Curbside Pickup Service

As part of its economic recovery plan, the Government of Ontario revised its list of stage 1 openings to include curbside pickup services by libraries. Haldimand County Public Library is now accelerating its program to offer pickup services in early June, finalizing staffing, procedural and, most importantly, safety details.

“We are working with our partners at Haldimand County and are in the process of procuring necessary supplies and ensuring adherence to best practices so that we can meet the needs of members effectively and wisely; we value our community’s patience and are eager to begin serving it again,” said Paul Diette, CEO of HPCL.

Details about the library’s curbside pickup program and it’s official start date will be posted on the library’s website and its social media platforms.

Residents who would like to make use of the library’s numerous online offerings or physically borrow books/media (once this service becomes available) may e-mail the library with their name and residential address to sign up for a library card.

For the most up-to-date local information about COVID-19, including facility closures and municipal service options, visit HaldimandCounty.ca/COVID-19 or follow the County on Facebook/Twitter. These channels are frequently updated with announcements regarding closures, re-openings and other important COVID-19 news.

For current public health information, visit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit website.

Haldimand County announces re-opening of boat launches, tennis/pickleball courts and skate/BMX parks

Haldimand County will be re-opening some of its outdoor amenities as early as Saturday, May 16. The re-openings are being implemented in response to yesterday’s Provincial announcement regarding Phase 1 of Ontario’s re-opening plan. Provincial rules limiting gatherings to 5 persons or less remain in effect.

Among the businesses/activities permitted to re-open under the new Provincial rules are marinas (May 16), golf courses (May 16) and outdoor non-team sporting competitions (May 19). As such, the County will be re-opening the following amenities:

Boat launches – Saturday, May 16, 2020

All public boat launches EXCEPT the Port Maitland West launch (accessed via the Esplanade) will be open for use starting this Saturday. Port Maitland West will not open until piers and beaches are open for normal public use. Docks will not be put in immediately as they require inspections and seasonal maintenance, which will take some time.

Parking lots at trailheads/public parks – Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Barricades at green space & trail parking areas will be removed by staff over the course of the long weekend. All parking lots at County-operated green spaces and trails are expected to be open by Tuesday.

Parks – Tuesday,  May 19, 2020

All County parks will be re-open for use on Tuesday, with the exception of the Port Maitland Park (pier, and beach). Formerly, parks were open for walk-through access only. Fishing will now be permitted from riverbanks in County parks and it is now appropriate, based on public health guidelines, for residents to enjoy a picnic or game of catch with members of their household while practicing social distancing with others. Playgrounds, pavilions & picnic tables remain off limits until further notice.

Tennis/pickleball courts, disc golf courses & skate/BMX parks – Tuesday, May 19, 2020

All tennis & pickleball courts will re-open for use on Tuesday, as well as the disc golf course at Lafortune Park and all skate/BMX parks. All other sporting fields and courts remain closed.

Residents are asked to be patient while staff remove barricades and amend posted signage to reflect these changes.

“With the loosening of restrictions and greater access to outdoor amenities, we expect that the public will be respectful of social distancing guidelines, not congregate in groups larger than 5 people, and keep 6ft away from other individuals,” said Mayor Ken Hewitt. “While these re-openings are a step in the right direction & welcome news, disregarding the guidelines puts our community at risk. I implore everyone to exercise common sense, be vigilant and share these spaces responsibly,” Hewitt added.

Members of the public are encouraged to contact the COVID-19 enforcement hotline at 519-428-8019 to report violations of individuals who are not following social distancing guidelines. To ensure continued access to parks, residents are urged to demonstrate personal responsibility, practice social distancing and not take advantage of public green spaces (e.g: congregate in groups) so they can be enjoyed, especially as warmer weather approaches.

For the most up-to-date local COVID-19 information, including municipal service options, facility/amenity closures and program cancellations, visit HaldimandCounty.ca/COVID-19.

For up-to-date public health information, visit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s website.

Haldimand County reminds residents and business owners of COVID-19 information portal, key contacts

In recognition of the rapidly changing rules relating to business operations and public spaces during the COVID-19 emergency and to assist the community in obtaining important information, Haldimand County is reminding community stakeholders where to obtain the most accurate, up-to-date COVID-19 information and who to contact for specific enquiries and guidance.

The County’s COVID-19 information web page – HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19 provides detailed local information, key contacts and links to helpful resources from provincial and federal healthcare authorities.

Information & key contacts for business owners

Business owners who have questions about the Province’s list of essential services and if/how their business can operate during the pandemic will find a number of helpful links at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19 under the ‘Resources for Business’ tab. Links to the Province’s list of essential services and safety guidelines for business operations (by sector) are among the resources provided. Business owners with specific questions are encouraged to contact:

Province of Ontario’s Business Information Hotline – 1-888-444-3659
Help is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday 8:30 a.m. –
5:00 p.m.

Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Environmental Health Team Hotline
For COVID-19 inquiries related to or regarding food premises, migrant farms, special events, personal
service settings, child care centers or workplaces (non-healthcare setting), you may also call the
HNHU’s Environmental Health Team Hotline at 519-426-6128 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Information & key contacts for community members

Residents who have questions about municipal services, including facility/amenity closures, use of parks and trails, program cancellations, etc. will find current information at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19. A number of resources including stay-at-home activities, employment assistance and supports for housebound individuals (e.g. food or essential item delivery) are also available on this page. Residents with public health-related questions are encouraged to contact:

Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit COVID-19 Hotline
     For general enquiries regarding COVID-19, please call the HNHU’s COVID-19 Hotline at 519-426-
6170 ext. 9999. Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Residents with questions related to municipal services, facilities/amenities are encouraged to contact:

Haldimand County customer service
     For general enquiries regarding municipal services, facilities/amenities, programs or related
matters, contact Haldimand County at 905-318-5932 or info@haldimandcounty.on.ca Mon-Fri, 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Haldimand & Norfolk County Mayors Deliver Donated iPads To Anson Place

In an effort to help long-term care home residents stay connected with their loved ones throughout the pandemic, Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt & Norfolk County Mayor Kristal Chopp launched an initiative to bring iPads to these homes. On Tuesday, April 28, 2020, mayors Hewitt & Chopp made their first delivery of 10 iPads, headsets and iPad cases to Anson Place in Hagersville.

iPads were received in the parking lot of Anson Place by recreation volunteer Wesley Devries. The iPads will be used by volunteers and staff to keep residents engaged and connected with family and friends.

Pictured (L to R): Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt, Anson Place recreation volunteer Wesley Devries, Norfolk County Mayor Kristal Chopp.

“We reached out to a few businesses with the idea of donating iPads and headsets to our long term care residents and was absolutely amazed at the response. What started with bringing a couple of iPads has grown to now over 60 iPads and 200 headsets,” said Mayor Hewitt. Hewitt noted that the biggest hurdle was actually acquiring the iPads due to increased demand, but the first shipment arrived and more are on the way.

Initial contributions from Empire Communities, Losani Homes, Ballantry Homes, Pattern Energy and the McKeil Family Foundation helped get the program off the ground.

“The outpouring of community support we’ve received is incredible. From making masks to donating medical supplies, PPE, iPads and everything in between, residents and businesses have truly stepped up to support one another. It’s the Haldimand way,” Hewitt added.

“Now more than ever, it’s important to keep in touch with loved ones – especially those who live in long-term care homes, who can’t see visitors in person right now,” said Norfolk County Mayor Kristal Chopp. “It brings me great joy to know these deliveries are helping to connect seniors with their families during such a difficult time.”

Mayor Hewitt is hoping to bring iPads to all long-term care residences in Haldimand & Norfolk counties. He encourages anyone who is willing to assist in securing either funds or iPads to contact him directly at mayor@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Mayor Hewitt Praises Community Support During Covid-19 Pandemic, Launches New iPad Initiative For Long Term Care Homes

Haldimand County Mayor Hewitt is praising the community for its outpouring of support during the COVID-19 pandemic. From making masks to donating medical supplies/PPE and everything in between, residents of Haldimand have come together to support one another at a time of critical need.

Long-term care homes have been hardest hit by COVID-19, and the visitation restrictions in place to keep residents safe have been difficult for these individuals and their families. In an effort to increase connectedness with loved ones, Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt has launched a new initiative to bring iPads to local long-term care homes. He has received contributions from a number of businesses within the community and is seeking further support to make this goal a reality.

“I reached out to a couple of businesses with the idea of donating iPads and headsets to our long term care residents and was absolutely amazed at the response. What started with bringing a couple of iPads has grown to now over 50 iPads and 200 headsets. I intend to start with Anson Place when they arrive but now my hope is that we will raise enough funds to purchase an iPad and headset for every long term care resident in Haldimand & Norfolk,” said Mayor Hewitt. “Sadly, our biggest problem now is securing the equipment as there are not as many available as we anticipated.”

Mayor Hewitt is encouraging anyone who is willing to assist in securing either funds or iPads to contact him directly at mayor@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Haldimand County Provides Update On Spring/Summer 2020 Community Guide, Recreation Programming, Facility Bookings & Public Events

The release of Haldimand County’s Spring/Summer 2020 Community Guide, which was scheduled to be delivered to all households the week of April 20, will not be proceeding as usual this year.

Due to the fluidity of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the unknown duration of municipal facility closures and public health orders/restrictions, the County has made the difficult decision to cancel all summer programming (summer camps, aquatics programs and heritage/culture workshops). In-person library programming will also be on hold until further notice. These activities are a large component of the Spring/Summer Community Guide publication.

In addition to these cancellations, all bookings of County facilities (e.g.: halls, sports fields, pavilions, arenas) up to and including June 27 have been cancelled, as well as all festivals and events scheduled to take place on County property. The County will closely monitor any changes to public health guidelines issued by federal, provincial and local authorities and review all opportunities to introduce special programming, resume events and provide recreational opportunities once it is deemed safe to do so.

“COVID-19 has impacted recreation, library, heritage/cultural services and community events significantly because the majority of their offerings are conducted in-person, at public facilities and involve groupings of people,” said Craig Manley, Chief Administrative Officer. “We know our recreation programs are highly valued by the community and this news will be disappointing to many. We’ve had to make some challenging decisions throughout this unprecedented situation in order to comply with public health orders and keep the community safe,” he continued.

A list of stay-at-home activities curated by County staff is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/. Residents are encouraged to check the Haldimand County website, Facebook & Twitter accounts for updates and information on County services.

Although the County has instituted the above-noted closure dates and programming cancellations, it is committed to remaining flexible to the changing COVID-19 environment and is eager to help residents, families and visitors get back to the activities, events and projects that make our communities vibrant, welcoming and engaging. Once restrictions begin to be lifted, and depending upon the timing, the County will work hard to help everyone get back out and active.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions related to recreation programming, festivals and events, heritage & cultural services and facility bookings is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/.

Haldimand County Council Approves 2020 Tax-Supported Operating Budget

On April 21, 2020, Haldimand County Council met virtually to review and approve the 2020 Tax Supported Operating Budget. The budget results in a total levy requirement of $69,823,910, which equates to a residential tax impact of about 0.93%, or about $2.50 per month for an average residential property owner.

“The 2020 Tax-Supported Operating Budget represents a financially sustainable, responsive plan that ensures the continued delivery of essential services our communities value,” said Mayor Ken Hewitt. “When we announced the property tax payment grace period on March 19, we also directed staff to scrutinize and evaluate this budget extra carefully in light of the COVID-19 situation. All aspects of the budget have been carefully evaluated case by case to ensure they contribute to our corporate priorities, especially given the current economic climate,” he continued.

Generally, the annual Tax Supported Operating Budget pays for day to day operations of the County, including salaries, wages, utilities, insurance and services such as running arenas/programming, keeping the roads safe, maintaining locals parks and cemeteries, providing emergency services (fire, police and ambulance), collection of garbage and recyclables & related activities.

The 2020 Tax-Supported Operating Budget highlights several investments in service delivery and community vibrancy, including enhanced support/resources for community partnership projects, facilities/parks maintenance and technology-related services that improve customer experience.

Additionally, the budget outlines the creation of a new Climate Change and Emergency Response Provisions fund to address the financial impacts of these events (e.g: flooding, pandemics) and ensure the County is prepared to respond.

“By taking a strategic, long-range financial planning approach, the County is well-positioned to deliver high-quality, affordable services now and in the future,” added Hewitt.

Haldimand’s Chief Administrative Officer Craig Manley notes that the budget was developed to meet community needs while minimizing the overall impact on taxpayers. “While there are some new initiatives and budget lines introduced to meet increased or emergent needs, we’ve been able to offset those costs by holding the line on other items.”

On average, a residential property owner can expect their annual property taxes to be allocated as follows:

More information on County budgets and budget processes is available on the County website via HaldimandCounty.ca/financials/budgets.

9th annual Mayor’s Charity Gala postponed due to COVID-19

The 9th Annual Mayor’s Charity Gala originally scheduled for Friday, May 22 at Monthill Golf & Country Club (4925 Highway 6 S, Caledonia) has been rescheduled for Friday, November 6 due to COVID-19.

The 2020 gala, featuring live entertainment by Dave Wilcox, is the 9th annual event put on by Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt. Each year, new local charities are chosen as recipients of the proceeds.

All tickets purchased for the May 22 event will be honored on November 6. Individuals who would like to purchase a ticket or request further information may contact Donna Chausse at dchausse@haldimandcounty.on.ca or 905-318-5932 ext. 6102. Tickets are $150 each.