Haldimand County Provides Update On Broadband Internet Project, Launches Public Survey

Haldimand County’s Broadband Internet Project is moving ahead. Currently, individual consultations are being facilitated with the 3 pre-qualified internet service providers (ISPs) – KWIC Internet, Metroloop Inc. & Xplornet. In conjunction with this consultation process, a public survey has been launched to collect resident feedback on technical, financial and service-related aspects of internet service.

The Broadband Internet Project was initiated in 2019 after Haldimand County Council formally adopted 8 corporate priorities for the 2018-2022 term – one of these being facilitating the delivery of high-speed, reliable internet service to all Haldimand County residents.

With assistance from a third party Technical Consultant, staff have prepared a draft Project Agreement (PA) and Negotiated Request for Proposal Agreement (NRFP) outlining all technical and financial project requirements including: 1) the technical feasibility of proposed service deployment, 2) service deployment timelines and 3) a comprehensive cost analysis. These components are of critical importance and will guide evaluations of all pre-qualified internet service providers (ISPs) moving forward.

The public survey is intended to gather feedback on community needs and what is important in terms of high-speed internet access. The survey asks residents to provide information about their current internet service, including average monthly cost, data limits, reliability and customer service satisfaction.
Residents are encouraged to have their latest bill or service contract on hand to answer some of the questions in greater detail.

Residents who do not currently have internet access may request a physical copy by calling 905-318-5932. Staff will send copies via mail and residents may return completed surveys to the Haldimand County Administration Building in person (via the secure drop box located on the Chippewa St. side of the Administration Building) or mail.

Community feedback collected from the survey will be used to inform & finalize the Project Agreement & Negotiated Request For Proposal documents, which will be issued to the successful proponent in late May. The survey will remain open until April 17.

For more information on the Broadband Internet Project, visit HaldimandCounty.ca/broadband/. To access the survey directly, visit surveymonkey.com/r/HCbroadband/.

Haldimand County Public Library, Museum And Recreation Staff Offer Stay-At-Home Activity Suggestions

All residents of Haldimand County are encouraged to stay at home to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Haldimand County Public Library, museum and recreation staff have developed a number of stay-at-home activities to keep the community engaged and entertained. In addition to compiling a directory of stay-at-home activity suggestions for all ages, staff are offering virtual story times, a LEGO Challenge for kids, ‘Guess the Artifact’ quizzes & more.

To access the stay-at-home resource directory, residents can visit HaldimandCounty.ca and click on ‘Stay At Home Activities’. New links and activity suggestions are being added continuously. Activities range from coloring sheets to kid-friendly recipes, home workout videos, free downloadable eBooks, music and more. Just this week, the library has acquired 250 new, bestseller e-books that can be downloaded through its Axis360 e-book service.

Normally, signing up for a library card requires an in-person visit, however, staff will be issuing library cards electronically so residents can access the library’s full range of online resources. Residents who would like to sign up for a library card can e-mail the library to do so.

On Facebook, residents can join the County’s Heritage Centre curator for ‘Guess the Artifact’ pop-up quizzes, featuring relics from the Haldimand County archives. Parents can also visit the Library’s Facebook page for upbeat fun and learning resources, including virtual story times & a LEGO Challenge for kids.

The Library has also launched a Community Art Gallery project and is encouraging residents to submit photos of their stay-at-home creations to be showcased. All creations – such as crafts, paintings, sculptures, mosaics, collages, needlecraft, photography, drawings, etc. – will be accepted.

Although the museum is closed to the public, anyone interested in starting a family research project or learning about their roots is encouraged to contact the museum curator for virtual research assistance. Starting a family tree project can be a great activity for the whole family. It’s a fun and educational way to pass time together, learn about the past and make new memories. To get started, e-mail museum.archives@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call 905-318-5932 ext. 6613.

While library branches are closed, staff are available to answer questions via e-mail. Any library materials currently on loan, regardless of due date, will be accepted without fines once the library reopens. Residents are asked to not drop off borrowed materials until the library re-opens.

For local information about the COVID-19 pandemic – including facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information – visit HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/.

For the most up-to-date public health information, visit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s website.

Haldimand County Emergency Services Worker Tests Positive For COVID-19

A Haldimand County emergency services staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member, who is not a resident of Haldimand, was tested outside of the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s district. The patient is recovering at home in self-isolation, and the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is following up with anyone who may have been in close contact.

Haldimand County, working in partnership with public health, hospitals, community health centers & physicians, has mobilized the necessary resources to respond to COVID-19. Haldimand-Norfolk’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Shanker Nesathurai has emphasized that the health unit is well equipped to employ public health management protocols for a case of this nature.

“This news may be unsettling, but it isn’t a shock. Like so many other communities, we’ve been preparing for this scenario. The Health Unit has initiated its case management protocol and are in constant contact with our Emergency Operations team,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt. “We’re leveraging all possible resources to combat this virus and protect the health and safety of frontline workers, our staff and our community,” he added.

Mayor Hewitt is encouraging residents to follow directions from local and provincial healthcare authorities, including practicing social distancing and avoiding non-essential trips into the community.

For up-to-date public health information, including frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and updates from the Medical Officer of Health, visit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s website.

For local information about the COVID-19 pandemic – including facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information – visit HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/ or NorfolkCounty.ca/covid-19.

Haldimand, Norfolk counties declare emergencies

On Tuesday, March 24, both Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt & Norfolk County Mayor Kristal Chopp declared emergencies for their respective communities.

Declaring an emergency allows municipalities to swiftly take action on activities that are violating public health officials’ orders. Declaring an emergency also allows municipalities to tap into provincial resources & emergency funding that would not otherwise be available.

“While I have been in close communication with Mayor Chopp, declaring an emergency will allow both Haldimand & Norfolk counties to make quicker decisions, support our health team in a more expeditious manner and implement additional measures to protect the health & well-being of our communities,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt. “We’ll continue to do everything in our power to stop the spread of COVID-19, and I ask that residents do their part as well. Stay home, stay safe and look out for one another,” Hewitt added.

“Staff in both counties, as well as with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, are working around the clock to keep our communities safe and healthy during this pandemic,” said Kristal Chopp, Mayor of Norfolk County. “Mayor Hewitt and I are in constant communication with each other and our shared Medical Officer of Health to ensure decision-making is timely and serves the best interests of Haldimand and Norfolk.  I will continue to act as board chair and both Mayor Hewitt and I will strive to ensure you are fully updated as well as all necessary steps are being taken to protect our respective communities.”

For local information about the COVID-19 pandemic – including facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information – visit HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/ or NorfolkCounty.ca/covid-19.

For up-to-date public health information, including frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and daily updated from the Medical Officer of Health, visit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s website.

Haldimand County Council acts to reduce charges during public health emergency

The COVID-19 emergency and the unprecedented efforts of all levels of government, businesses and citizens to respond to it are having real impacts on Haldimand County residents and businesses in terms of income, employment, quality of life and convenience. In an effort to reduce the financial burden and inconvenience imposed on Haldimand residents and businesses as a result of implementing the directions of public health officials to try to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Haldimand County has put in place measures to mitigate service fees and charges.

Effective immediately and on a go forward basis, Haldimand County Council has directed that for those unable to meet the March 31 and May 29 tax installment deadlines, the County will waive the penalty charge associated with late payment.  As such citizens and businesses have increased flexibility to defer the payment of property taxes until August 1, 2020 without penalty.


Statement from the Mayor & Council – March 19, 2020

In these unprecedented times people come together, governments come together, countries come together. The efforts that have been seen from leaders, from the business community, to the countless donations and help from the very many unselfish people around us is a true testament that when pushed, we roll up our sleeves and find ways to help each other back to the lives we all deserve to enjoy.

COVID-19 is having a real impact on the lives of Canadians beyond health related matters.  It is affecting incomes, employment and quality of life.  In response we are seeing higher level governments putting together substantial monetary packages to help lessen the burden on citizens and businesses that are following the advice of health officials.  We eagerly await announcements on how that money will reach those in need. The long-term economic and social impacts that COVID-19 will have on our daily lives is still difficult to determine, however, all financial supports announced to date have been to only address the immediate massive hole in our local economies. I have never seen governments move as fast as they have in the past two weeks and in such a non-partisan fashion to ensure necessary supports will be provided.

In an effort to play an active role in helping our County citizens and business that are facing  economic challenges given these unprecedented circumstances, Council and I have directed staff to waive the interest costs and any fees attached to the next two property tax instalments, March 31 and May 29.  Haldimand County property owners can pay their taxes at their own discretion up until August 1st without penalty.  We hope that this will provide you with the flexibility to manage your day to day to finances and afford you the time you may require.

In Haldimand, we will soon be finalizing our tax-supported operating budget. Council has directed staff to carefully review the 2020 budget so that is sensitive and responsive to these strange times we are living in.  Over the past several years, staff have worked diligently to ensure our financial position is strong and ready for unforeseen challenges. For this reason, we are ready to respond.

I want to assure you that both staff and Council have been working to protect your interests, to ensure that the quality services you are accustomed to continue, and that our frontline EMS staff are fully equipped with all the resources needed to meet your needs.

I would like to take this time to acknowledge those within the Haldimand-Norfolk Health & Social Services, the H-N Health Unit and our first responders for their leadership in helping Council manage our response to the COVID-19 virus. On behalf of the County and Council, we sincerely thank you for being there in times of need, never more so demonstrated than today.


Mayor Ken Hewitt

Haldimand County Council

Stewart Patterson

John Metcalfe

Dan Lawrence

Tony Dalimonte

Rob Shirton

Bernie Corbett


Haldimand County announces closure of administration building, additional COVID-19 response measures

In an effort to minimize the spread of COVID19 and to protect County staff and the public, the Haldimand County Administration Building will be closed for in-person service until further notice as of March 18, 2020. While there are currently NO reported cases of COVID19 in Haldimand, the County – in partnership with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and in alignment with Federal and Provincial actions – is taking a proactive approach to ‘flattening the curve’.

While the Haldimand County Administration Building is closed to the public, staff will continue to be available to assist residents by phone or email during regular hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm). Alternate municipal service options are available that do not require in-person visits. Residents are encouraged to contact the County at 905-318-5932 or info@haldimandcounty.on.ca with all enquiries. A list of alternate service options is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/.

“We’re working closely with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and taking all steps necessary to prevent COVID-19 from becoming an issue in the community. It’s extremely important that we remain calm, follow directions from healthcare authorities and support one another during this time. The main goal right now is to prevent community spread, and the best way to do that is to stay home. There are over 20,000 vulnerable people over the age of 70 in Haldimand & Norfolk counties and we have a shared duty to protect them,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

“In this light, following recommendations from the Province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, we have made some adjustments to day-to-day operations to protect staff and residents, while still providing essential services to the community,” Hewitt added. “Council recognizes that there will be economic hardships associated with the unfolding of the COVID-19 situation and we will do everything in our power to provide assistance to local businesses & residents. As we approach the operating budget and apply any County financial policies during this pandemic, we’ll look at all options possible to lessen economic impacts and provide support.”

Updates related to COVID19 will be shared by Haldimand County and its healthcare partners as it becomes available. Residents are encouraged to educate themselves about COVID19 & follow the Health Unit’s recommendations to help prevent the spread of viruses:

  • if you develop symptoms of illness that you think are related to COVID-19, contact your primary care provider or call the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Hotline at 519-426-6170 ext. 9999 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm). Your primary care provider or Health Unit staff will provide guidance and, if necessary, arrange for screening in coordination with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. Unless your situation is critical, please do not visit the emergency department.
  • stay home if possible
  • wash your hands often with soap and water;
  • avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • if you have to leave the house for an essential activity (e.g: to acquire food/necessary supplies) try to stay at least 6 feet away from others
  • cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm;
  • avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth to prevent illness;
  • clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Residents looking to stay informed regarding the COVID19 pandemic can do so by logging onto the HaldimandNorfolk Health Unit website. A page (https://hnhu.org/healthtopic/coronavirus
) has been specifically dedicated to the virus and includes material on who is at risk, how to protect your family, what to do if you feel ill, and what precautions to take if you’ve travelled outside of Canada. The site also contains key contact information and links to updates on the current situation at the global, national and provincial level.

All Haldimand County facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid19/ & will be updated regularly.

Provincial Offences Court Suspended Until April 3

The Ontario Courts of Justice and the Ministry of the Attorney General have announced the suspension of all Provincial Offences Act (POA) court matters until Friday, April 3, 2020 amid COVID-19 concerns. Provincial Offences Act matters scheduled between Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3, 2020 will be adjourned. Parties and witnesses do not need to attend court. Notice of new court dates will be sent by mail to addresses on file with the court.

At this time, Haldimand County’s POA administration office – located within the new Haldimand County Administration Building – will remain open for enquiries, however, members of the public are asked to refrain from visiting if they have symptoms of illness. Anyone who requires POA-related assistance may also contact poa@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call 905-772-3327 to speak with staff.

Updates related to COVID-19 will be shared by Haldimand County and its healthcare partners as it becomes available. Residents are encouraged to educate themselves about COVID-19 & follow the Health Unit’s recommendations to help prevent the spread of viruses:

– wash your hands often with soap and water;

– avoid close contact with people who are sick;

– cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm;

– avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth to prevent illness;

– clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Residents looking to stay informed regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can do so by logging onto the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit website. A page (https://hnhu.org/health-topic/coronavirus-covid-19/) has been specifically dedicated to the virus and includes material on who is at risk, how to protect your family, what to do if you feel ill, and what precautions to take if you’ve travelled outside of Canada. The site also contains key contact information and links to updates on the current situation at the global, national and provincial level.

All Haldimand County facility closures, program cancellations, meeting postponement & visitation restriction information is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19/ & will be updated regularly.

Haldimand County Announces Facility Closures And Program Cancellations Following Medical Officer Of Health Recommendations

Effective immediately, Haldimand County will be closing all museums, libraries & arenas for the next 3 weeks. March Break camps have also been canceled and a number of public workshops & meetings have been postponed (including the Business Excellence Awards Breakfast and Official Plan Update workshop). These closures, cancelations and postponements are directly aligned with recommendations from Haldimand-Norfolk’s Medical Officer of Health & the Province of Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer.

There are currently NO reported cases of COVID-19 in Haldimand County and all cancelations, closures and postponements are being implemented as a precautionary measure. Grandview Lodge staff will continue to screen all visitors for symptoms prior to entry – as mandated by the Ministry of Long Term Care. The Haldimand County Administration Building will remain open for service, however, signage is posted requesting that visitors refrain from entering if they are experiencing symptoms of illness. Additional hand sanitization stations will be set up in the Administration Building foyer.

Re-imbursements for canceled museum, library and March Break programs will be provided to participants. Program re-imbursement details will be shared with registered participants via the contact information provided at the time of registration.

“We regret having to cancel programs and close community facilities but are doing so in the interest of community safety, based on the expert medical advice of our local and provincial healthcare authorities,” said Craig Manley, Haldimand County’s Chief Administrative Officer. “Residents should remain calm and be assured that Haldimand County, with assistance and governance from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, is ready to respond should COVID-19 become an issue in the community,” he added.

Updates related to COVID-19 will be shared by Haldimand County and its healthcare partners as it becomes available. Residents are encouraged to educate themselves about COVID-19 & follow the Health Unit’s recommendations to help prevent the spread of viruses:

– wash your hands often with soap and water;

– avoid close contact with people who are sick;

– cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm;

– avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth to prevent illness;

– clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Residents looking to stay informed regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can do so by logging onto the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit website. A page (https://hnhu.org/health-topic/coronavirus-covid-19/) has been specifically dedicated to the virus and includes material on who is at risk, how to protect your family, what to do if you feel ill, and what precautions to take if you’ve travelled outside of Canada.

The site also contains key contact information and links to updates on the current situation at the global, national and provincial level.

Statement From Haldimand County Council Regarding Highway 6 Bypass Blockade

Haldimand County Council is very frustrated and concerned about the ongoing blockade on the Highway 6 bypass in Caledonia. The blockade – which is going into its third week – is detrimentally impacting Caledonia and resulting in adverse impacts to the local economy, traffic disruptions and residents’ quality of life.

The continuation of this blockade, while others across the country are being dismantled, is unacceptable. The County is doing everything in its power to mitigate the impacts of the blockade on communities and residents.

“The little information that has come from the Ford government is misleading and causing more anxiety amongst our residents. I encourage all to contact their local MPP and press for immediate action,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

While the blockade is on provincial lands and outside of Haldimand County’s jurisdiction or direct control, Council is demanding that the Province of Ontario, as the agency responsible for oversight of the Ontario Provincial Police, require its police force to enforce the law and facilitate removal of the blockade. Haldimand County also encourages the federal government to deal with systemic issues that are leading to these reoccurring, disruptive events.

Both levels of senior government have a responsibility to address this unacceptable blockade and to ensure that the County and Caledonia do not continue to be burdened by collateral damage from inaction.

Haldimand County has worked hard to develop a good relationship with its First Nations neighbours and believes it is in the interest of all to expedite a resolution that will put an end to the blockade. Council and staff will continue to advocate on behalf of its citizens and call on the Province and Ontario Provincial Police to remedy the situation at hand.

Haldimand County Launching Youth & Seniors Advisory Committees

Haldimand County is pleased to announce the establishment of a Youth Advisory Committee and Seniors Advisory Committee to advise Council and staff on issues impacting these groups. This opportunity will provide community members a unique chance to volunteer their skills, share ideas and contribute to the enhancement of their communities.

All residents with diverse backgrounds, skills and interests are welcome; applications to participate will be available on the County’s website beginning April 1, 2020.

Information Sessions outlining details of general objectives, meeting commitments and other expectations of members will be held across Haldimand County throughout the month of April:

Youth Advisory Committee Information Sessions:

Saturday, April 4; 3:00 p.m. – Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre

Wednesday, April 15; 4:00 p.m. – Haldimand County Caledonia Centre (Arena Remax Room)

Monday, April 20; 4:00 p.m. – Dunnville High School

Thursday, April 23; 7:00 p.m. – Hagersville Arena (Almas Room)

Monday, April 27; 6:00 p.m. – Jarvis Lions Lawn Bowling Club Bldg.

Seniors Advisory Committee Information Sessions:

Thursday, April 2; 9:30 a.m. – Jarvis Lions Lawn Bowling Club Bldg.

Tuesday, April 7; 10:00 a.m. – Dunnville Public Library

Thursday, April 16; 10:00 a.m. – Hagersville Arena (Almas Room)

Tuesday, April 21; 10:00 a.m. – Haldimand County Administration Building (Cayuga)

Tuesday, April 28; 6:30 p.m. – Haldimand County Caledonia Centre (Arena Remax Room)

Interested residents are encouraged to RSVP & indicate which information session they plan to attend. Residents can RSVP by calling 905-318-5932 ext. 6114 or e-mailing cdp@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

Applications to become a member of either Committee will be available at each Information Session and posted online as of April 1, 2020. Applications will be accepted until May 8, 2020.

For more information about the Committees, please e-mail cdp@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call 905-318-5932 ext. 6114.