Ward 2 Community Vibrancy Fund Grant Will Help Construct New Playground At J.L. Mitchener

On Thursday, June 27, Ward 2 Councillor John Metcalfe presented J.L. Mitchener Public School principal Mark Finochio with a $6,000 grant from the Ward 2 Community Vibrancy Fund for the purpose of constructing new playground equipment for students and neighbourhood children.

J.L. Mitchener Public School’s Parent Committee was able to fundraise $27,000 of the estimated $34,000 playground equipment cost. Councillor Metcalfe introduced a motion to provide a CVF grant for the remaining $6,000 and it was approved at the June 24th Council meeting.

Under the Community Vibrancy Fund agreement established in 2011, renewable energy companies with projects in Haldimand County are required to contribute to the Community Vibrancy Fund annually for 20 years. The distribution of CVF funds to geographic areas of the County are based on the proportion of wind/solar power and transmission infrastructure in each ward.

Council approved a number of principles and prioritization criteria to govern the use of CVF funds and ensure they are appropriated to directly benefit residents. As per the CVF principles, funds may be utilized for: land stewardship initiatives, developing/constructing County recreational facilities, enhancing community and protective services, improving roads/public municipal infrastructure and other community-focused activities.

Principal Mark Finochio expects that construction on the playground will begin mid-July and be complete by September 2019.

Photo (left to right): Haldimand County CAO Don Boyle, J.L. Mitchener Public School Principal Mark Finochio, Ward 2 Councillor John Metcalfe. 

Haldimand County Firefighters Conducting Annual Household Smoke Detector, Carbon Monoxide Alarm Inspection Program

Over the next few months, Haldimand County’s volunteer firefighters will be out in the community conducting carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm checks. The annual program aims to educate residents about the importance of having working alarms and provide assistance with installation and/or battery replacement.

The annual inspections are one of many public education initiatives in the County’s Fire Prevention program, which is mandatory under the Province’s Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997. In 2018, the Fire Department inspected 542 homes and installed 42 smoke alarms, 58 carbon monoxide detectors and 24 batteries.

“People are very receptive to us coming to their door,” said Jason Gallagher, Haldimand County’s Manager of Emergency Services & Fire Chief. “Some of them are actually surprised when we tell them their equipment needs to be updated. It’s just not top-of-mind, and it really has to be,” he continued.

As per the Ontario Building Code, smoke alarms must be installed be on every floor of a dwelling and outside all sleeping areas within a home. CO detectors need to be adjacent to sleeping areas as well as fuel burning appliances in the home or an attached garage.

Gallagher noted that while many households pass the inspection, firefighters always come upon cases where alarms are completely absent or installed but have either dead batteries or none at all. “It’s important to note that residents won’t be penalized or fined if, during a check, firefighters discover that they don’t have working alarms. We’ll simply provide an alarm or batteries and help get them installed,” Gallagher continued.

Simple smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector tips:

– Install smoke alarms on every storey and outside all sleeping areas of your home. For added protection, install a smoke alarm in every bedroom according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Larger homes may require additional smoke alarms.

– Install carbon monoxide alarms outside all sleeping areas if your home has a fuel-burning appliance, fireplace or attached garage. For added protection, install a carbon monoxide alarm on every storey of your home according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

– Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms monthly by pressing the test button. Change the batteries every year.

– Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors wear out over time. Replace these according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Residents with questions about fire prevention are encouraged to make use of the resources available on the County website or contact the County’s Fire Prevention Bureau at 905-318-5932.

Haldimand Museums Hosting 15th Annual Car And Truck Show June 23

Haldimand Museums will be hosting its 15th Annual Car & Truck Show on Sunday, June 23 at the Selkirk Community Park (17 Kent Street, Selkirk) from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Admission to the family-friendly event is by donation; a $5.00 entry fee applies to vehicles.

The popular annual event provides a meeting ground for vehicle enthusiasts from around Southern Ontario. “We had a great turn-out last year and the show was great fun for everyone,” said Wilson MacDonald Memorial School Museum Curator Dana Stavinga. “We are hoping that the weather will be cooperative but in any case, it’s a wonderful day for car lovers.”

While the event is centered around cars and trucks, there will be a silent auction, door prizes and trophies for drivers. DJ Frank Vessero will be on site playing music from the 50’s and 60’s and Shelly’s Family Dining from Kohler will be serving up a variety of food.

For information about the Car Show please contact the Wilson MacDonald Memorial School Museum at 905-776-3319.

From left to right: Fred Stevenson Francis (Haldimand Museums Advisory Board), Bob Tietz, Bill Mageran, owner, 56 Ford F100, Kathy and Keith Schaeffer (1937 Ford) and Rick Hughes.

Community Vibrancy Fund Contributions Exceed $6 Million, Fund Over 100 Community Projects Since 2011

In September 2011, Haldimand County Council passed resolutions to establish a Community Vibrancy Fund (CVF) and agreement with companies pursuing renewable energy projects within the County. To date, $6,351,620 has been contributed to the CVF by these companies, which has funded over 100 community projects.

Under the agreement, renewable energy companies with projects in Haldimand County are required to contribute to the Community Vibrancy Fund annually for 20 years. For solar and wind energy projects, annual company contributions are calculated by the projects’ nameplate capacities, or total power output per year (in megawatts). For transmission projects, annual company contributions are based on kilometres of power line.

By 2031 – at the end of the agreement’s 20-year lifespan – approximately $40 million will have been contributed to the CVF by the following companies:

● Grand Renewable Solar LP
● Grand Renewable Wind LP
● Capital Power Corporation
● Summerhaven Wind LP (Nextera)
● FWRN LP (Niagara Wind)

“When the CVF was first introduced, residents had questions. How is this money going to be allocated? How will it benefit me and my family? Since the fund was established, we’ve seen some amazing community assets developed and infrastructure projects expedited that wouldn’t be feasible otherwise,” noted Mayor Ken Hewitt. “Putting the funds to good use has meant working with councilors, constituents and community partners to determine areas of need and identify opportunities that will make an impact,” he noted.

The distribution of CVF funds to geographic areas of the County are based on the proportion of wind/solar power and transmission infrastructure in each ward. Council approved a number of principles and prioritization criteria to govern the use of CVF funds and ensure they are appropriated to directly benefit residents. As per the CVF principles, funds may be utilized for: land stewardship initiatives, developing/constructing County recreational facilities, enhancing community and protective services, improving roads/public municipal infrastructure and other community-focused activities.

Notable & recent CVF-funded projects include:

● Jarvis Lions Park Trail & Pathway
● Dunnville Farmers Market & Waterfront Park
● Hagersville Splash Pad
● Cayuga Library & Heritage Centre
● Cayuga Grand Vista & Gypsum Mine Tract trails
● Fisherville Lions Park & Hall enhancements
● Road enhancements & rehabilitation work (e.g: expedited gravel road conversions such as
Yaremy Road, shoulder widening on Cheapside Rd., Dunnville bridge noise mitigation project, etc.)
● Cayuga Tourism Booth improvements
● Rural streetscaping in York, Byng, Fisherville & Selkirk

Each year during the Capital Budget process, CVF initiatives and relative rankings/prioritizations are reassessed by Council to ensure funds are used strategically to meet community needs.

Haldimand County Seeking Public Input To Enhance Public Parks In Cayuga

Haldimand County is seeking community input to enhance public parks in Cayuga. Public meetings have been scheduled for June 20 (2pm – 4pm & 7pm – 9pm) at the Cayuga Arena (McSorley Hall) to collect resident ideas and establish a community-driven vision for the Cayuga parks system with a focus on the Village Green, Cayuga Library parkette, Bob Baigent Park and the Cayuga Administration Building/museum property.

“Public parks and green spaces are important community assets with long lifespans. We want to work with residents to design the best possible solutions that can be enjoyed now, and for years to come,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

Landscape architecture and planning firm Stempski Kelly Associates Inc. have been contracted to facilitate the community engagement process and develop designs for the four public parks. Initial meetings in June will focus on identifying the types of parks-related amenities desired by residents and where they could be located. Community engagement meetings will be highly visual with design exercises that result in a ‘real-time’ capturing of resident ideas.

Following the initial meeting, Stempski Kelly Associates Inc. will prepare draft concepts and present them for resident review and input. Concept review meetings dates will be announced in late summer 2019. “This is an excellent opportunity to provide input on the development of public green space, and we’re encouraging residents to attend meetings at all phases of the project,” Mayor Hewitt noted.

Cayuga Parks Community Engagement – Session #1

Thursday, June 20, 2019

McSorley Hall – Cayuga Arena

55 Thorburn St. S, Cayuga

2pm to 4pm (afternoon session) OR 7pm to 9pm (evening session)

No registration is required to attend the community engagement sessions, and all are welcome. Residents seeking further information about the Cayuga parks community engagement sessions are encouraged to call 905-318-5932 or e-mail Haldimand County’s Community Development & Partnerships division at cdp@haldimandcounty.on.ca. A final concept design and report, along with estimated costs, will be presented to Council in fall 2019.

Nomination Period Opens For Haldimand County’s 19th Recognition Night

Every year, Haldimand County celebrates the significant contribution volunteers make to the vibrancy of community life for residents and visitors. The County is now accepting nominations of individuals, community groups and organizations to be honoured at its 19th Annual Recognition Night, taking place October 17, 2019. This year’s “whodunit” theme will create an air of mystery for honourees and guests.

This is a great opportunity for anyone to nominate a community project, festival, event, organization or individual, highlighting the positive impact they have made within the community. Nominations are being accepted for the following award categories:

  • Volunteer of the Year;
  • Youth Volunteer of the Year;
  • Community Organization or Group of the Year;
  • Community Project Award;
  • Community Festival & Event Award;
  • Caring Haldimand Award;
  • Heritage Haldimand Award;
  • Community Culture Award; and,
  • Wall of Fame Induction (Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, Hagersville, Jarvis).

Nominations may be submitted by filling out the appropriate form on the County website or picking one up at any County office. Anyone wishing to submit a nomination is asked to complete the application in full and provide as much detail and supporting documentation as possible. Nominations must be submitted to any County office by August 23, 2019 and will be judged by an independent committee.

Formal invitations to attend the 19th Annual Recognition Night will be sent to nominees, community groups, organizations and agencies. Anyone seeking further information may e-mail cdp@haldimandcounty.on.ca or call 905-318-5932 ext. 6370.

Trail Grand Openings Met With Enthusiasm By Residents And Visiting Recreation Seekers

On Saturday, April 27, Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt and members of Council hosted grand opening celebrations at the award-winning Cayuga Grand Vista and Gypsum Mine Tract trails. Dozens of residents and visitors attended, despite the blustery weather, to explore the new routes and learn about Haldimand’s history.

“Both the Cayuga Grand Vista and Gypsum Mine Tract are fantastic additions to the community,” said Mayor Ken Hewitt. “They offer new opportunities to stay active, learn about our history and connect with nature,” he added.

At the Cayuga Grand Vista celebration, attendees were introduced to stories of the late Honourable Madame Justice Helen Kinnear and Honourable Dr. Justice T. David Marshall – both Cayuga-born figures with extraordinary accomplishments – whom the trail’s two scenic lookouts were named after. Justice Kinnear defied early gender stereotypes to become a history-making pioneer in the legal profession, while Dr. Justice Marshall achieved national recognition in the fields of medicine and law. Family members of both Justice Kinnear and Dr. Justice Marshall were present and acknowledged by Council prior to the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

At the Gypsum Mine Tract opening, attendees learned about the history of gypsum mining that played a major role in Caledonia’s development. From 1838 – 2016, 5 mines were established and eventually decommissioned in both Caledonia and York; gypsum was extracted from 65 feet below ground and hauled to the surface by donkeys and horses underneath what is now the trail.

“The community response to both of these new trails has been extremely positive and they will be enjoyed by residents and visitors for generations to come,” said Hewitt.

More information on Haldimand County trail routes, parks and recreation activities is available on the Haldimand County website.

Haldimand County Council, staff, Trails Advisory Committee members and family members of Dr. Justice David T. Marshall and the Honourable Madame Justine Helen Kinnear cutting the Cayuga Grand Vista trail ribbon.

From left to right: Janet deVos (Haldimand County Trails Advisory Committee), Sheila Wilson (Haldimand County), Jill Morison, Fred Morison, Mrs. T. David Marshall, Don Boyle (Haldimand County), Brittany Morison, David Morison, Albert Morison, Darline Kinnear, Mayor Ken Hewitt (Haldimand County), (Behind Ken is Murray Kinnear), Ward 2 Councillor John Metcalfe (Haldimand County), Ward 3 Councillor Dan Lawrence (Haldimand County), and Megan Turner (Haldimand County).

Haldimand County Partners With Mohawk College To Bring Mobile Classroom To Caledonia

Haldimand County Council has formally endorsed a partnership with City School by Mohawk to bring a mobile college classroom to Caledonia this summer.

On April 23, Haldimand Council approved the installation of a City School by Mohawk mobile classroom in the community of Caledonia for 12 weeks this summer. The mobile classroom – a 53-foot transport trailer, custom designed to expand to 93-square-metre (1,000-square-feet) – is part of Mohawk’s City School initiative, which aims to put a college education within reach of everyone. The trailer serves as a multi-purpose classroom to deliver free introductory training in welding, HVAC and general construction to people in communities and neighbourhoods with limited access to post-secondary institutions. This summer, in Caledonia, the program will focus on an introduction to advanced manufacturing.

Mohawk also runs City School locations in North Hamilton at the Eva Rothwell Resource Centre, in Downtown Hamilton at the Central Public Library, and in pop-up locations throughout the region, including the Haldimand County Library Caledonia branch and, this fall, at the Dunnville Branch.

Anyone who is interested in learning more about City School or is considering enrolling in a program can visit the City School website – mohawkcollege.ca/cityschoolstart or contact City School staff at 905-575-2730. An information session will be held on Friday, May 3, from 2 – 3:30 p.m. at the Caledonia branch (100 Haddington St., Caledonia).

Haldimand County’s New Central Administration Building On Track For Fall 2019 Completion

On April 16, 2019, County staff presented Council with an update on the new Central Administration Building’s construction progress. A number of major construction milestones have been completed to date, and the building is on track to be completed by fall 2019.

As of the April 16 update, the building’s structural steel frame is 99% complete. The roof deck has been completed and installation of electrical equipment, sanitary piping, fire suppression systems, spray foam insulation and door frames is currently underway.

Over the next two months, several key components of the building will be complete including roofing, masonry (stone work), spray foam insulation. Work on interior drywall will commence shortly, the front entrance’s structural steel canopy will be installed, and road work – including site grading – will begin on Chippewa St. with favourable weather.

“The progress we’ve seen over the past few weeks is exciting, and it’s great to see the building take shape. A great deal of time and effort has gone into getting the project to this point, & I look forward to the moment we can welcome and serve the community in this space,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

Plans for a new building and municipal service delivery model have been in the development stages since 2015, following a comprehensive Administration Accommodation Review focused on enhancing customer service, maximizing administrative/operational efficiencies and ensuring long-term cost effectiveness. After thorough analysis and community consultation, a consolidated service model – involving the construction of a new administration building – was selected by Council. Construction on the new building began in May 2018.

All services currently available at the County’s satellite offices will be offered at the new building, and new online tools will be introduced to provide more 24/7 services to residents. Library branches will be retrofitted with ‘Community Hubs’ – computer and information stations designed to connect resident with County news & online services. Library staff will be available to provide instruction and guidance on how to make use of online services, like how to pay taxes or water bills online.

More information about the new Central Administration Building – including construction updates – will be shared on the County website and social media channels as the project progresses.


Controlled Burn Scheduled For April 2019 As Part Of Thompson Creek Parkland Restoration Project

In May 2018, Haldimand County Council awarded an $11,550 community partnership grant to the Dunnville Horticultural Society (DHS) to bring the Thompson Creek Parkland Restoration Project to fruition. Part of this Haldimand County-DHS-Ducks Unlimited Canada partnership project requires that a controlled burn be conducted on the parkland adjacent to Robinson Road. The burn will take place in April 2019 (weather dependent).

The Thompson Creek Parkland Restoration Project aims to rehabilitate the wetlands and grassland, create naturalized walkable pathways and establish a Carolinian Arboretum Education Centre/outdoor classroom. The purpose of the controlled burn is to clear the grassland site of accumulated debris, halt the growth of invading shrubs and rejuvenate the native tallgrass ecosystem.

Controlled burns are deliberately set, carefully planned and controlled fires that consume ground level fuels like dried leaves, cured grass, needles and fallen/downed woody debris. The practice is a widely-used and recognized scientific method of controlling non-fire tolerant invasive species, allowing for growth and regeneration of naturally-occurring historical grasslands and fire-tolerant tree species.

The controlled burn has been carefully planned in consultation with Haldimand County Emergency Services, with public safety at the forefront. Lands & Forests Consulting has been contracted to oversee the burn with a team of highly-trained, experienced and nationally-certified wildland firefighters. Haldimand County Emergency Services will be on site for the duration of the burn, with Dunnville Station 9 on standby with equipment to assist if firefighting efforts are required.

The exact date of the controlled burn has not been confirmed, as weather and wind conditions will dictate the best time. Haldimand County will post updates regarding the timing of the burn via HaldimandCounty.ca and its social media channels.

Every effort will be made to make sure impacts from the controlled burn are minimized, however, if conditions change during the burn, neighbouring residences, schools and businesses may be affected. To prevent exterior smoke from entering your home, or in the event of exterior smoke entering your home or facility, please:

  • Refrain from outside activities like yard work and do not let your children play outside;
  • Check the Air Quality Index for your area (available on all weather-related websites, such as
    Environment Canada). If there is a high risk in your area, it is best to stay indoors;
  • Make sure you stay inside if local authorities advise those in your area to do so;
  • Close your windows and fireplace dampers to keep out the smoke; and,
  • Turn off air conditioners and HVAC systems.

More information about the Thompson Creek Parkland Restoration Project will be released once preliminary work on the site has been completed. Residents with questions or concerns about the controlled burn are encouraged to consult the Q&A document. All updates regarding the burn will be posted on the Haldimand County website and social media channels.