Haldimand County Paramedic Services Offering Community Flu Shot Clinics

**Please note that flu shot appointments are fully booked. At this time, wait lists will not be offered.**

Haldimand County Paramedic Services will be offering six community flu shot clinics throughout November and December 2020. Flu shots will be offered by appointment only to individuals over the age of 16. Appointments may be booked using the County’s online registration system at link.haldimandcounty.ca. Due to the limited number of appointments, flu shots will be offered to Haldimand County residents only. High dose vaccinations (65+) will not be offered at these clinics.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, getting a flu vaccine this year is more important than ever because:

  1. Flu vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalizations, and death.
  2. Getting a flu vaccine can also save healthcare resources for the care of patients with COVID-19.

Flu shot appointments will be offered from 10am to 3pm on the following dates:

  • November 27 – Dunnville Arena
  • December 9 – Selkirk Fire Station #13
  • December 11- Cayuga Arena
  • December 15 – Hagersville Legion

Instructions for individuals who book flu shot appointments:

  • Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment and wear a face covering. Leave unnecessary items in your car.
  • When you arrive, you will be greeted by a Haldimand County staff member who will help you complete a COVID-19 screening assessment and flu shot consent form.
  • Once you receive your shot, you will need to remain in the building for 15 minutes post-immunization.
  • Immunization areas will be disinfected thoroughly after every appointment.

For COVID-19 safety reasons, a limited number of individuals will be permitted inside each flu shot location at any given time. Individuals who arrive with other family members may not be able to enter the facility together as a group. Individuals who are more than 15 minutes late or miss their appointment will be required to book a new time slot.

Residents are reminded to not come to their pre-booked appointment if they are feeling unwell. Please call 905-318-5932 ext. 6127 and leave a message to cancel or re-schedule your appointment.

Individuals who need assistance booking an appointment online may call Haldimand County customer service at 905-318-5932.

County-Wide Broadband Internet Project Moving Forward, Network Construction Timelines Announced

Since 2019, Haldimand County has been working to secure a vendor capable of delivering high-speed internet to all under-serviced areas within the community. In June 2020, KWIC Internet was announced as the successful proponent and network construction planning is currently underway.

In the months ahead, Haldimand County staff and KWIC project leaders will be working closely to coordinate the installation of necessary infrastructure, including fibre trenching. KWIC will also be facilitating community consultations to determine the best placement for fixed wireless towers. Public consultation notices will be delivered to initial project build areas throughout December 2020.

Fibre construction is expected to begin in mid-late January 2021 (weather permitting) and wireless tower construction in early February 2021 (also weather permitting). Based on these timeframes, it is anticipated that services for homes and businesses in the western part of Haldimand County will start becoming available during the first half of 2021.

As network construction progresses and the project moves forward, KWIC and Haldimand County will keep residents informed of more area-specific timelines. Over the project’s 5-year timeframe, broadband services will be made available to all of Haldimand County’s under-serviced areas (areas that do not have access to unlimited broadband internet with minimum download/upload speeds of 50/10 Mbps).

“We are very excited to see this project get off the ground and look forward to working with residents and stakeholders to deliver safe, efficient, industry-leading services that empower Haldimand County to connect like never before,” said Mark Rapley, KWIC Internet’s Director of Operations.

Bringing broadband internet to rural communities is one of Council’s top priorities for the 2018-2022 term. “Council is extremely pleased to see this critically important initiative move forward. It is especially welcome news given the rapid digital shift we’ve seen over the past few months and the increasing need for individuals, families and businesses to have reliable, affordable internet,” said Haldimand County Mayor Ken Hewitt.

All project-related information is available at HaldimandCounty.ca/broadband and updates will be posted here regularly.


Caledonia Protest Update

On Thursday, October 22, 2020, following the granting of permanent injunctions to Foxgate Developments and Haldimand County to prohibit the continued occupation of the development site in Caledonia or on municipal property, a group of protestors began illegal and violent actions to block and vandalize municipal and Provincial property and roads.

While Haldimand County has consistently supported the need for senior levels of government to address outstanding indigenous land claims in our area, the actions of a few that flaunt our basic institutions and the rule of law must be condemned. No matter how important an issue may be, deliberately taking illegal actions that create chaos for others cannot be tolerated. The end does not justify the means in a civil society regardless of historic injustices.

Haldimand County is using all of its resources and influence with the Province, the Ontario Provincial Police and Six Nations to encourage and promote a peaceful restoration of the blocked roads and end to the illegal occupation of lands. We do not believe that the actions taken yesterday reflect the values of the wider Six Nations community, nor have the support of its leaders and we are hopeful that the community will similarly condemn the use of illegal tactics and take action to help resolve the matter quickly and peacefully.

Residents who are impacted by these actions are asked to remain calm and have patience as we work toward a resolution of this very fluid situation. The County is taking steps to ensure that fire and paramedic services remain available to respond quickly to any calls for service and that, as much as possible, adequate traffic management initiatives are in place and all services continue to be provided. Residents are encourage to visit dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website for information on road closures and service changes that may occur as a result of the current situation.

Mayor Ken Hewitt said “we recognize how difficult and unfair it is to our community to regularly be dramatically impacted as pawns in a dispute in which we are not a party. The current road blockades and damage to them need to be resolved immediately and anyone who believes in a just and fair society where laws have meaning should be advocating to the Province to take appropriate steps in this regard.”

Haldimand County Adopts New, Modernized Forest Conservation By-Law

On Tuesday, October 13, Haldimand County Council formally adopted a new Forest Conservation By-Law (No. 2204/20) to replace regional forest conservation by-laws that have been in effect since prior to 1981. The new by-law is aligned with current forestry standards and demonstrates Haldimand’s ongoing commitment to protecting natural resources.

Over the past two decades there have been many changes in the realm of forest management and certain activities permitted under the former Regional Forest Conservation By-law (enacted in 2000) are no longer considered best practices in the forestry industry. In 2017, staff initiated the forest conservation by-law review process to bring Haldimand’s forestry regulations up to contemporary standards.

The Forest Conservation By-law review was conducted over a 3-year period and largely informed by consultations with Haldimand’s Agricultural Advisory Committee, conservation authorities/committees, forestry industry experts, neighbouring municipalities, private landowners and the broader community. The new by-law sets out tree cutting regulations that balance the ecological need for woodland conservation with landowners’ property management and/or agricultural needs.

The new Forest Conservation By-Law:

  • promotes Good Forestry Practices to assist landowners, staff and forestry professionals when planning for and conducting tree cutting activities;
  • introduces a simple, straightforward permitting system that offers landowners more flexibility to meet personal land management objectives while protecting woodland habitats;
  • deregulates isolated woodlands that are less than one (1) hectare in size and provides additional exemptions for tree cutting;
  • sets out a defined approval and appeal process for regulated woodland clear-cutting;
  • implements harsher penalties for tree-cutting activities that contravene the by-law.

Forestry staff will be working closely with the community and private woodland owners to implement the new by-law and provide ongoing education with respect to tree conservation in Haldimand.

More information on the new Forest Conservation By-law (No. 2204/20) – including a new permit application form  – will be available shortly on the County’s Foresty web page. 

7th Annual Uniquely Haldimand Photo Contest Running October 15 – December 1, 2020

The County’s Annual Uniquely Haldimand Photo Contest – now in its 7th year – will be accepting entries from October 15 to December 1, 2020. Residents and visitors are invited to submit photos of Haldimand’s beautiful environment, architecture and vibrant community life for a chance to win some great prizes.

With 87km of gorgeous Lake Erie waterfront, the Grand River, sprawling countryside and charming towns, Haldimand County is one of the most picturesque destinations on Ontario’s southwest coast. Its abundance of outdoor recreation options, scenic lookouts, community events, historic sites and culinary experiences make it an incredible place to live, explore and photograph.

Photos eligible for entry must depict a scene from within the boundaries of Haldimand County. They must be original, digital high resolution photos no more than two years old and not previously published. Participants may submit their photos via the online submission portal, accessible at photocontest.haldimandcounty.on.ca. Photos must be submitted by Tuesday, December 1 and comply with all rules and regulations.

A panel of judges comprised of both County staff, community figures & local photographers will closely examine all submissions in December. Four winners will be announced prior to the end of 2020 with 1 Grand Prize, 1 Second Prize and 2 Honorable Mentions awarded.

Prizes include gift certificates for unique culinary experiences, Haldimand County souvenirs and more. Winning photographs will be featured in an exhibit within the new Cayuga Library + Heritage Centre and displayed permanently on the County website.

For more information and to view past winners, visit dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/photocontest.

Haldimand County Seeking Resident Input On Urban And Rural Speed Limits

Haldimand County is seeking input on proposed changes to current speed limits in all urban neighbourhoods and select rural areas. An online survey has been developed to collect resident feedback, results of which will be considered by staff and Council.

The first proposal is to reduce the speed limit to 40 km/h (from the standard 50 km/h) in all urban neighborhoods, including the smaller hamlets and villages such as Selkirk, Fisherville and York.

The second proposal is to lower the speed limit to 40 km/h in some rural areas, in particular South Coast Drive, Lakeshore Road and North Shore Drive along the lakeshore.

The primary objective of these proposed changes is to reduce vehicle speed and thereby increase road safety in areas with higher pedestrian/cyclist traffic.

A link to the online survey can be found on the main page of HaldimandCounty.ca; the survey may also be accessed directly via www.surveymonkey.com/r/HCspeedsurvey.

Residents are encouraged to take the survey and submit comments by November 8, 2020. To request paper copies of the survey, visit the Haldimand County Administration Building or contact the County’s Engineering division by e-mail engineering@haldimandcounty.on.ca or phone: 905-318-5932 ext. 6404.

Haldimand County Offering Virtual Recreation Programming, Family-Friendly Contests This Fall

As adults, youth, children and families look for interesting and innovative ways to fill their fall days this year, Haldimand County is continuing its virtual approach to programs and activities for all ages.

Beginning Friday, October 9, staff will be launching fall virtual programming for all ages. Over the course of the next few weeks, families will be able to participate in virtual field trips, find new games to play, get inspired with craft ideas, learn something new in ‘how-to’ webinars and more. No registration is required and all activities are free.

Three (3) virtual contests will also take place throughout fall – a virtual pumpkin carving competition, sport activity challenge and photo contest. Some great prizes will be offered, including one Grand Prize to be drawn in December for the best holiday decorations!

All entries for fall contests must be submitted by December 14 using the online submission form at HaldimandCounty.ca. Further details related to programming and how to participate will be available at HaldimandCounty.ca/recreation-facilities/programs/ on October 9.

Residents are encouraged to regularly check the County’s website and social media accounts for updates related to virtual programming and the exciting ways to explore and enjoy Haldimand this fall!


New, Interactive ‘Haldimand Road Trip’ Map Promotes Local Tourism

As part of its ‘Real. Local.’ advertising campaign, Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division has launched a Haldimand Road Trip map. The map encourages residents to stay local and explore ‘hidden gems’ in the community this fall.

The Haldimand Road Trip map features two scenic routes in Haldimand County. The South Haldimand Lakeside Route follows the shores of Lake Erie from Nanticoke to Port Maitland, and the West Haldimand Loop traverses the charming towns of Caledonia, Hagersville and Canfield.

Both routes feature recommendations for stops along the way including historical sites, breathtaking photo opportunities, unique retail experiences and great places to eat.

“The idea behind the map is to inspire locals and neighboring communities to explore our beautiful county, while supporting local businesses,” said Lidy Romanuk, Haldimand County’s Manager of Economic Development and Tourism.

In addition to the physical map, a digital version is available at TourismHaldimand.ca which includes an interactive guide of all Road Trip stops as well as links to all local businesses.

The ‘Real. Local.’ Haldimand Road Trip map can be picked up at any Haldimand County library, museum or at the Haldimand County Administration Building (53 Thorburn St. S, Cayuga). Individuals or businesses who would like to copies of the Road Trip Map – or other Haldimand County maps or guides – may contact opportunity@haldimandcounty.on.ca.

The creation of the Haldimand Road Trip map is part of the County’s COVID-19 business recovery marketing campaign currently being implemented by its Economic Development and Tourism division. The campaign and associated initiatives were made possible through funding received by the FedDev Ontario Regional Relief Recovery Fund (RRRF).

Haldimand County Accepting Applications For 2021 Community Beautification Grants

Each year, Haldimand County sets aside $60,000 in partnership funding for beautification projects on municipal property. These community beautification grants support the efforts of volunteer groups in enhancing the vitality, sense of pride and overall quality of life within the County.

Groups may apply for grant funding of up to 50% of the total cost of the proposed project to a maximum of $4,000 per year per organization.

Depending upon the number of requests received and the demand for funding, the County may be able to fund more than one application per community group. Proposed projects must take place on property owned by Haldimand County. Organizations submitting more than one application are asked to rank their requests in priority order.

Since being launched in 2006, the Community Beautification Program has resulted in County grant funding of $850,000 leveraging almost $2 million in community contributions to complete more than 260 projects.

Community/volunteer groups may access the application package online at https://dev.haldimandcounty.ca/main_website/community-partnerships/.

Applications — including all supporting materials — must be received by Monday, October 19, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. by mail or in person to the Haldimand County Administration Building (53 Thorburn Street South, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0).

All submissions are assessed relative to the total Community Beautification budget as well as equitability throughout the County.

For more information on the Community Beautification Grant program, please do not hesitate to contact the County’s Community Partnerships Liaison by e-mail (ssawyer@haldimandcounty.on.ca or phone: 905-318-5932 x 6320.

Haldimand County Administration Building Ribbon Cutting & Dedication Ceremony Postponed Due To Gathering Limit Reductions

On  Saturday, September 19, 2020, Premier Doug Ford announced new restrictions for gathering limits across the province (10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors). As such, the ribbon-cutting and building dedication ceremony scheduled for Monday, September 21 at 5pm has been postponed.

The County will announce a new date for the ceremony once gathering limits are increased and it is safe to hold larger events.

A community-focused, family-friendly ‘Doors Open’ event is also being planned for a later date, to be held once it has been deemed safe to do so by public health authorities.

For more information on the County’s response to COVID-19, visit HaldimandCounty.ca/covid-19.