Sutherland and Edinburgh Square Road Reconstruction (2022)

Project Summary

This scope of this project is to upgrade the existing watermains and sanitary sewers in Caledonia on Sutherland Street East, both sides of Edinburgh Square, Nairne Street, and south of Caithness Street East to the Nairne Street Sanitary Pumping Station.

A map showing the proposed wastewater upgrade route.
A map showing the proposed wastewater upgrade route.

The watermain replacement includes upsizing the existing mains to address water pressure concerns and surety of supply in emergency events.

The sanitary sewer replacement is being driven by the age and condition of the infrastructure and to provide additional flow capacity to accommodate an increase in sewage flows to the pumping station on Nairne Street in Caledonia.

The replacement of these services will also provide opportunities for upgrades to the surface features including sidewalks, boulevards and drainage.

  • Increase watermains on Sutherland Street East from 150 mm (6”) to 200 mm (8”) and on East and West Edinburgh Square from 100mm (4”) to 150mm (6”), including new water services to the property line and fire hydrants.
  • Increase sanitary sewers on Sutherland Street East, West Edinburgh Square, Caithness Street East and Nairne Street to suit future sanitary flows including new sanitary services to the property line.
  • Wider sidewalks, where feasible, and improved crossings to comply with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requirements.
  • Road grading and drainage improvements.
  • Repairs to the retaining wall at the intersection of Argyle Street and Sutherland Street East and replacement of the existing stone retaining wall on Caithness Street east of Edinburgh Square East.

For more information, view Project Overview.

To see the project drawings, visit Water and Wastewater Upgrades Drawings

Request for public input

The County is requesting public input on the opportunity to improve the configuration of Edinburgh Square East, including the possibility of changing the traffic flow to one-way (South-Bound).  This would allow for:

  • The provision of wider sidewalks;
  • The existing hydro poles to be located within a boulevard and out of the roadway;
  • The provision of on-street parking; and,
  • Improved sight lines at the intersection with Caithness Street East.

If you have any comments or concerns or would like any additional information regarding this proposition, please contact either the County or the Consultant by December 15, 2021.

Haldimand County is currently requesting public input on this project until December 15, 2021. For more information on how to share your feedback, click the “Get involved” tab above.

The project will be out to tender soon. A contractor should be on board by early 2022 pending contract award by County Council.

Up to December 15, 2021:

  • Request for Public Input

May 2022:

  • Start construction, pending contract award by Council

October 2022:

  • Finish construction

All council reports related to this project will be archived here.

Access: You will have access to your residence and street throughout construction.  There will be temporary closures at the main intersections to allow for the sewer and watermain connections.  While there may be temporary access limitations to allow for work in front of your property, you will be notified of them a minimum of 48 hours in advance and the Contractor and Consultant Inspector will work with you to ensure you are not adversely impacted.

Water service: Your watermain service connection will be replaced from the new watermain to the property line.  During construction of the watermain, a temporary watermain installed on the ground surface may be used to service your residence.  You will not be without water for more than a few hours and you will be notified well in advance.

Sanitary service: If your sanitary service is being replaced there may be isolated times where service may be disrupted, however any impacts associated with the replacement will be minimal and you will be notified in advance.

Existing landscaping: If your landscaping is within the road allowance it may be impacted by construction.  Please review the drawings available online at Water and Wastewater Upgrades Drawings, or contact WT Infrastructure to determine what the impacts are.  The Contractor will remove any vegetation that will be impacted by construction; however you are welcome to have any landscaping relocated onto your property in advance of starting construction.

Existing driveway: Most of the driveways on the roads within the area of work will be impacted by construction.  Any areas that are damaged will be replaced with the same material as was there prior to construction.

Garbage and recyclable collections: There will be no impacts on collection days.

Moving and deliveries: There will be minor delays due to construction.  If you are moving, please notify the Consultant Site Inspector and they will coordinate with the Contractor to ensure that any impacts are minimal.

Special needs:  If you have any special needs for access during construction, please let the Consultant or County know and we will work with you to ensure that access impacts are minimized.

Concerns during construction: The WT Infrastructure Site Inspector will drop a business card off at every residence at the start of construction and will be available during construction to help you with any concerns you may have.

If you have specific questions or comments, please contact the County or Consultant staff.

Haldimand County
T: 905-381-5932 ext. 6404

WT Infrastructure Solutions Inc. – Andrew Tulk
T: 519-400-6701