The Haldimand County Official Plan contains goals, objectives and policies that manage and direct physical change and its effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the County. It guides the installation of public infrastructure and the County’s zoning bylaws that development approvals must conform to.
The Planning Act requires that the County’s Official Plan be brought into conformity with the “A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe” plan that was approved by the Province in May, 2019. The deadline for municipalities to update their Official Plans to conform to the new Growth Plan is July 1, 2022.
Get involved & help shape Haldimand’s future!
A number of community engagement activities will take place throughout 2020 in order to understand how you envision the future of Haldimand County and what you think our priorities should be as we manage continuing growth. Watch this page for public meeting announcements & opportunities to provide input.
What is the Official Plan?
The Official Plan is a document adopted under the Planning Act that contains goals, objectives and policies to manage and direct physical change, and its effects on the social, economic and natural environments of the municipality. The current Haldimand Official Plan guides and directs the development of land to 2031. The Zoning Bylaw and the installation of major public infrastructure must conform to the policies of the Official Plan.
Why the change?
The Official Plan was approved by County Council in 2006 and by the Province in 2009, and there have been over 50 amendments to the Plan. The Official Plan must conform to the Province’s policy-led planning system, which governs land use planning in Ontario. All decisions relating to land use and the creation of development regulations stem from the provincial and local policy frameworks, updated every 5 years. These include the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement and the various Provincial Plans (e.g. Growth Plan). In recent years, there have been significant changes to Ontario’s planning policies and as such, the Official Plan must be updated so that these changes can be applied in a manner that meets the conditions and context of the County. The updated Plan will guide growth and development over the next 25 years – to 2046.
Key Policies from Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Pertinent to Haldimand County
Board 9 – Greater Golden Horseshoe 1 & 2
Key Policies from Provincial Policy Statement Pertinent to Haldimand County
Board 9 – Provincial Policy Statement 1 & 2
Additional Information
Schedule B – Current Land use Plans
Schedule I – Employment Areas
Water Servicing