Planning Services

Planning & Development Division Timelines

Haldimand County Planning & Development is experiencing a higher than normal volume of applications, as well as general land use, property and zoning inquiries.  Due to the increased activity levels and a temporary staff shortage, wait times for these services may be longer than normal. In particular, the review and issuance of planning application approvals is expected to exceed the normal service standards. Given longer review/processing times, staff are committed to providing regular updates and timely responses to clients regarding status and stage of the review as applications / inquiries move through process.

Haldimand County Planning & Development is committed to providing the best service to each of our customers, while taking precautions during this unprecedented time.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this period.

Land Use Planning in your Community!

Land use planning means managing our land and resources. It helps a community to set goals as to how it will grow and develop and to work out ways of reaching those goals while keeping important social, economic and environmental concerns in mind. Good land use planning leads to orderly growth, efficient provision of services and great communities.

The Planning & Development Division provides a ‘one-stop’ planning service that covers four broad and fundamental functions of planning and community development – Land Use Policy, Development Approvals, Community Vibrancy, and Committee of Adjustment. For more information on these functions, please explore the content below and the many insightful pieces of information contained in the various links.

The Planning & Development Division is responsible for detailed development review and approval processes under the Planning Act. The fundamental role of the Division in the review of development proposals is to ensure that land use and design are appropriate, functional and compatible with their surroundings. This is accomplished through the review and approval of planning applications, administration of design criteria and management of servicing allocation.

Pre-Consultation meetings are available for medium to large development proposals. To request a meeting, please contact the Planning Division, and submit a Pre-Consultation Meeting Request Form.

A planning policy framework governs land use planning in Ontario. All decisions relating to land use and the creation of development regulations stem from the Provincial and local policy frameworks which are updated every five years.

A development or infrastructure project, once built, is to be there for decades. Therefore, it is important to promote design excellence as to how things work, are sequenced, and connected to surroundings; how recognizable space or place is; how people feel about it and how they are attracted to it. The way something ‘looks’ and ‘works’ is as important as the land use itself. Planning is responsible for taking initiatives such as Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Plans to address this and create more vibrant and attractive communities.

An architect developing blueprints

Planning Applications

There are a number of planning applications required to facilitate approval of different types of development proposals.

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Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is a committee appointed by Haldimand County Council under authority from the Planning Act to consider applications for land severance and minor variance from the provisions of a Zoning Bylaw. The Committee of Adjustment meets every month according to the 2022 Approved Schedule.

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Civic addressing photo

Civic Addressing

In an emergency – we can’t help you if we can’t find you!

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Diagram of Haldimand County with specific design criteria standards mapped out

Design Criteria

The County’s Engineering Design Criteria are the Council approved development standards which staff use as the design template in reviewing development proposals and engineering submissions. The criteria address everything from servicing design to lot grading; stormwater management to roadway design; and, much more.

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A computer generated diagram of an example service for a neighbourhood

Servicing Allocation

A list of typical projects/situations that do not require the issuance of a building permit prior to construction or demolition including examples of construction, installations, renovations and demolitions.

Report PDD-52-2021 Servicing Allocation – 2021 Year End Update and Recommendations 

development image

Population, Housing and Employment Forecast Update & Land Needs Assessment

Haldimand County together with its consultant (Watson & Associates) has been working on preparing the County’s Population, Housing and Employment Forecast Update and Land Needs Assessment which will be for use in growth management analyses and other studies requiring detailed population projections and land assessments. The report was approved at the September 3, 2019 Council Meeting. A copy of the report can be found here. In accordance with Amendment 1 to A Place to Grow, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019, released by the Province on August 28, 2020, a revised Growth Analysis to 2051 has been generated.

Questions for our Planning Team?

Do you have a question that you would like to ask one of our Planners? Simply fill out the form below and hit “Submit”! We will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner.

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